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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Monthly Archives: October 2012

What About Halloween?

What About Halloween?

Halloween is fast approaching, along with All Saints (November 1st) and All Souls (November 2) days. Halloween decorations can be seen everywhere and have been visible for weeks. It’s hard ...

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Interfering Atheists

Interfering Atheists

My last two blog posts made the case for defunding the present public education system and passing on the cash to parents who will then be financially able to choose ...

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Most colleges require either the SAT or the ACT test as part of their admissions process. These days, many colleges will accept either test, though they usually have a preference ...

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The Little Way at Seton

The Little Way at Seton

Many Seton graduates choose to include their Confirmation names on the diplomas. By a wide margin, the most popular patron among Seton’s young women is St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the ...

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First Day of School

First Day of School

In the final days of August and the first days of September, thousands of parents proudly posted “First Day of School” pictures of their children on blogs and on their ...

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Presidential Election

Presidential Election

Every four years, American home schoolers are handed an ideal civics lesson: the presidential campaign and election. With TV coverage, the Internet, historic sites, and even public libraries, every family ...

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