Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Monthly Archives: December 2013

6 Tips to Surviving Christmas

6 Tips to Surviving Christmas

Sometimes it seems like the work for Mom is never ending in our large Catholic families. By Thanksgiving, the first quarter assignments have been completed and the homeschooling is clipping along nicely. Then Bang! Along comes the Christmas season, doubling the work load but halving the class time! It’s more than a little discouraging!

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The First Christmas

‘The First Christmas’ Word Puzzle

Download this 'First Christmas' Word Puzzle! A fun activity to for all ages! Search for these words: Stephen, Conception, Original, Advent, Diego, manger, Wise, Bethlehem, Shepherds, Herod, John, pink, Innocents, Guadalupe...

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Homeschool Analogies: Got Any?

Homeschool Analogies: Got Any?

Someone mentioned to my wife lately that she doesn’t usually read my fatherhood/homeschooling columns because I use too many sports analogies. For instance, over the years, I have written that baseball is like “raspberry sorbet for the mind;” I have said that life is about “how many shots you take, rather than how many baskets you make;” and I recently wrote that being a good father was like being a “hockey goalie,” and so forth.

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“What Does it Mean to Preach to the Whole World?”

“What Does it Mean to Preach to the Whole World?”

A rather staid church found itself actively confronting a world which they had tended to ignore, even to shun. Pink Mohawks and chain-bedecked leathers began to be seen at Sunday worship services. A new energy and purpose steadily grew among the congregation; they were forced out of their insular attitudes and petty prejudices in order to confront the vast question, “What does it mean to preach to the whole world?”

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Why Study a Foreign Language?

Why Study a Foreign Language?

The study of a foreign language is an important component of a good education. Many studies have been done that confirm this. A research report “Regarding World Language Education: The Benefits of Second Language Study,” was published in 2007.

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