Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Choosing the Right College

Choosing the Right College

There are thousands of colleges in the United States. How does a student decide which institution is a good fit? Many factors need examination before the final choice.

Perhaps the biggest problem for many families lies in financing a college education. College is one of the largest investments in life. A vital early step would be to discover the scholarship and aid deals a college might offer to a prospective student. A talk with the college financial office is an important early step.

The interests of a student of course are a factor. A student interested in the medical field should not spend much time looking at colleges offering Aerospace Science. If the future career is still undecided, a good bet would be a liberal arts college offering a wide exposure to varied educational possibilities.

A campus visit is a good practical idea. There is no way to know the atmosphere of a college without this visit. The reaction to the visit might range from “No way!” to “This place feels like home!” Either way, valuable information is gained.

The most important consideration should always be maintaining faith and morality at college. A student should pay careful attention to the Catholic facilities on a campus and the living conditions in the dorms. If the college is likely to lead to spiritual damage, that college is emphatically not a good choice.

As with any big decision, evaluating colleges should always be accompanied by prayer and seeking the advice of spiritual counselors.

Header Image CC Alex E. Proimos

About Bob Wiesner

Bob earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. His passions include classical music, iconography and history. Meet Bob
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