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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Service Academies

Service Academies

The United States Military Academies offer an outstanding education for applicants interested in a military career. Students accepted to the Academies pay no tuition and minimal fees in exchange for a four-year commitment to the armed forces. Many Seton students have attended the Academies, with great success. One of our graduates, Jonathan Bate, graduated first in his class at West Point in 2006! Gaining the appointment to an Academy does require a bit of extra work, however.

Planning to attend an Academy should start with the Freshman year, or, preferably, even in Eighth Grade. Seton has taken most of the guesswork from the process. With input from Academy staffs, a course outline has been designed which will satisfy the academic requirements. A Blue and Gold Officer is also available for advice concerning the non-academic aspects of the process. This officer can provide scheduling tips for completing each step of the process as well as guidance for contacting your Representative or Senator to apply for the appointment.

A vitally important part of the preparation will consist of a rigorous physical education program. Any applicant to the Academies is expected to be in top physical condition. Usually it is best if the student has a formal supervised program, such as involvement in organized sports, a home school basketball team, for example. Martial Arts or Fencing would certainly be great choices as well.

Seton is proud of our students who have excelled at the Academies and we look forward to many years of helping outstanding students to join the United States Armed Forces Officer Corps!

Header Image CC United States Marine Corps Official Page

About Bob Wiesner

Bob earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. His passions include classical music, iconography and history. Meet Bob
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