Download a printable PDF of the Achievement Certificate using the link below.
For many, it’s a big deal to read through 6 books in a couple of months. Download your Reading Certificate, print it out, sign it and mount it!
Celebrate and share your reading fun!
When you’re done, take a picture and send it in to us. The Club would like to showcase all the hard work your readers have done this summer! You could also:
- Take a photo with your finished books and certificate.
- Create a costume of your favorite character.
- Create a drawing of a character, or a scene.
- Create a model of a scene from a book from lego, or clay, or anything else.
- Do a creative dramatization on all or part of any book read.
Use the form below to share a photo with the Reading Club! If you want to submit a photo later, you can always do so using the photos link on the main Reading Club page.