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Students Aspire Higher at Holy Apostles College


Aspire Higher – Holy Apostles – A Newman Guide “Recommended College” with six unique majors, fully accredited, affordable tuition, and 100% online learning.

Holy Apostles College & Seminary, located in Cromwell, CT, was founded by Very Rev. Eusebe Menard, O.F.M. in 1956 as a seminary for “late” vocations.  Since then, Holy Apostles has been recognized nationally and internationally for its fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It has also been cited for its academic excellence and recognized as a Newman Guide “Recommended College.”

All of our faculty make a profession of faith and take an oath of fidelity. It is our mission to form faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ through the promotion and accompaniment of youths and adults to the priesthood, and other ministries and apostolates within the Church.

Our convenient 100% online learning environment attracts lay and religious students for its flexibility and affordability. The program is fully accredited, and students receive the same rigorous Catholic liberal arts education, and extracurricular opportunities, as our on-campus students.

With six unique majors that encourage students to relentlessly pursue the truth, a liberal arts education at Holy Apostles also develops and refines key competencies associated with career readiness (critical thinking/problem solving, clear communication, collaboration, personal motivation, and a strong work ethic).

Flexible and Affordable

Through asynchronous engagement, students enjoy the unsurpassed flexibility to study on their own time and from anywhere in the world. Many students utilize this convenience to work while in college or pursue a personal passion such as starting their own business or traveling.  The 15-week summer semester is an option that allows students to study year-round and graduate early!

Holy Apostles recognizes that financial burdens hold many back, not only from higher education but also from pursuing their vocations after college.  Our tuition is therefore one of the most affordable in the country because we believe it is in the best interest of each student, as well as that of the Church, to provide a debt-free or low-debt education.

The student body is very diverse at Holy Apostles.  You will find classmates from all over the country and the world; cradle Catholics, reverts, converts, and non-Catholics alike all seeking the Truth; lay students, seminarians, religious brothers and sisters, priests, first-time undergraduates, transfers, and non-traditional students.

In the words of our Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Andrew Blaski, “It is a small sampling of the diversity found within all of the many members of the Mystical Body of Christ.  It is in and through Christ that the diversity we see around us finds its unity.”  United in Christ, we each seek to faithfully follow Him where He leads!

Take Credit! Dual-Enrollment Program

Besides our Undergraduate degrees, we also offer additional programs for students.  Our Take Credit! dual-enrollment program is an honors program available to current high school and homeschool juniors and seniors. The program provides the opportunity to earn college credit before high school graduation.

Take Credit! students can enroll in select undergraduate courses and also receive a tuition discount.

Transfers and Personal Interest

Transfer students are welcome at Holy Apostles and we seek to make the process as straightforward as possible.

The Personal Interest program is another option for students to enroll in courses at Holy Apostles. Personal Interest students are non-degree seeking students who are taking undergraduate or graduate-leveled courses for credit. Courses completed in the program are matriculated into a Holy Apostle degree program or transferred to another institution.

Personal Interest students have the flexibility to take classes on-campus, 100% online, or both. Students interested in the program may apply if they will have graduated high school by the start of the semester they are applying for.

The Undergraduate Admissions Office at Holy Apostles serves both our freshman and transfer applicants, as well as those applying to our Take Credit! and Personal Interest programs.  We review applicants holistically, recognizing that each student at Holy Apostles is on a unique journey on the road to Christian perfection.

To learn more about Holy Apostles, our academic programs, and admissions requirements, we welcome you to visit our website at  We would love to hear from you by phone or email as well.  Aspire higher at Holy Apostles College & Seminary!

A Seton Student’s Experience with Take Credit!

Hi! I’m Michael Wnek, a Seton Home Study School senior. I have been taking classes through Holy Apostles’ Take Credit! Program for a semester and a half.

I’ve found the Take Credit! courses interesting, carefully planned, and full of amazing resources. The courses can add more information to the work you have completed with Seton and give you a head start and a taste of what will be taught in college.

Based on my experience, the workload, though rigorous when added to regular high school courses, can help you learn how to manage your time most wisely and better prepare you for college.

I strongly recommend the program to high school juniors and seniors looking to earn college credit (and of course gain extra knowledge) before college.

More Information

See the Holy Apostles’ Take Credit! Admissions page for details and deadlines.

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