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Singing with One Voice at the University of Mary


The founding Sisters taught to accomplish anything truly great, you do it together. UMary’s new Cappella sacred music choir expresses that beautifully.

Nearly every time a student at the University of Mary is asked what they love most about their experience, they say something about the community. The rich community we have here at Mary is one of the ways that our Benedictine heritage shines through most clearly.

Our founding Sisters have taught us that the only way we can accomplish anything truly great is by doing it together, serving one another in love along the way. Our small class sizes, 24/7 dining center, student activities and organizations, and study abroad programs are all meant to foster friendship.

What students find here, what I found as a student here, is that the purpose of education is friendship. We become friends with one another, with our professors, with Jesus.

It is because community is so important to us that the liturgy, too, is important to us. Our weekly all-university Masses are some of the most potent experiences of community for our students.

The longest-standing University of Mary tradition is our Wednesday 10 am Mass. No one ever has class or meetings at that time to allow us the chance to all worship together.

We have always had beautiful music at these Masses, with many students and faculty members from the music program contributing. This past year the sacred music at our Masses reached a new level.

A Remarkable Gift

In the spring of 2021, the University of Mary received the biggest single scholarship gift we have received in our history. You might guess that the scholarships are for our student-athletes, nurses, or engineers.

However, this gift was specifically given to support scholarships for the students who sing at Mass. Cappella is the name given
to our new scholarshipped, sacred music choir at the University of Mary.

The choir’s mission is, through their music, to “give thanks to our Creator for the gifts that He has given us and seek only to offer them back to Him in humble praise.” This attitude of adoration leads to the most beautiful liturgical music I have ever heard.

And, through it, one of the most beautiful communities I’ve ever experienced.

To lead another person to an experience of Christ and to a rich understanding of the beauty of the liturgy is the deepest form of service a person can provide.

To have these students, week in and week out, giving everything they have not only to the Lord but to our whole community has only strengthened our desire to serve each other in the community.

About Allison Fitzgerald

Allison Fitzgerald
Allison Fitzgerald is an admissions representative at the University of Mary. She is a Mary alumna and most recently earned her Master of Arts in Catholic Studies in May 2022. She is also currently in formation with the Benedictine Oblates of Mary, a religious community of women serving the intellectual apostolate at the university.

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