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Seton Alumna Profile: Gymnast Tirzah Wise


Gymnast Tirzah says that Seton prepared her for her future and dreams of working in the space industry on projects to explore Mars.

I am a Seton Home Study School K-12 graduate, and I am so excited to share my journey.


My journey with Seton began in kindergarten when my family was looking for a Catholic homeschooling program so that I could train with club gymnastics during the daytime hours. I started training with my club in Washington State in their National TOPS program.

As I gained strength and skills, I was invited for USAG National TOPS testing at the USAG National Training Center and TOPS development camp (at that time, the Karoli Ranch in Texas) when I was ages 8, 9, and 10.

After aging out of that development program, my family and national team coach determined a move to Nevada for elite coaching was the best option, so we moved from Washington State to Nevada in 2016.


I have trained with Salcianu Elite Academy of Gymnastics since 2016 and have gone to several Elite qualifiers and Level 10 National Championships from Region 1 for the last two years.

In 2023, I was the Nevada State Level 10 Champion and placed 3rd at the Region 1 regionals to secure my spot in the 2023 USAG Nationals this year.

Seton Support

Throughout my journey with gymnastics, my ability to have flexible deadlines and support with Seton Home Study School has been instrumental in my success as a student-athlete.

After my Seton journey this year, I was accepted to several universities but decided on the University of Arizona School of Engineering, where I plan to pursue a degree in aerospace engineering. I received a four-year academic scholarship totaling $128,000 because of my 4.0 GPA.

In addition, I have a full-ride athletic scholarship for gymnastics for my senior year of college and will compete in Division 1 Gymnastics for the Wildcats starting in the 2024 season. You can watch for me on TV on the Pac12 Network for Gymnastics in the coming years!

Homeschooling has made my dream of being a student-athlete a reality, and Seton has prepared me for my future. With my degree, I dream of working in the space industry on projects to explore Mars.

I also plan to homeschool my children as I have experienced the benefits of this type of education myself. Exploring topics of interest and having a flexible schedule makes learning enjoyable and dynamic, and this blessing is my hope for my family someday.

Thank You, Seton!


Seton Home Study School made the NCAA athletic amateurization process simple for my family.

The provided course descriptions, outlines, and textbooks were easily documented and accepted by the NCAA as my mother completed the core course worksheets. After the 16 core classes were complete in my junior year, all that was left was my final transcript from my senior year.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:13; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse has seen me through many challenging times as a student and an athlete.

I have been blessed to find a homeschool program that has nurtured my Catholic faith and strengthened me as a person.

I am forever grateful for the Seton community, and I pray that God continues to bless this program and strengthen the resolve of families who choose this for their children.


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