Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Toy Chest

Angelina Succeeds with Angel’s Toy Chest


Her flexible homeschooling schedule allowed Angelina to collect and deliver toy and baby supplies for her mission, Angel’s Toy Chest.

Our daughter Angelina founded and ran a toy and baby supplies drive called Angel’s Toy Chest. Local media picked up the story and the drive was an overwhelming success.

What organization recognized the achievement?

The local papers and churches acknowledged the achievement. The local newspaper, local magazine, and our diocesan newspaper, The Paterson Beacon published articles about the accomplishment and are helping to promote it for next year.

How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?

Due to homeschooling, Angelina was able to easily and flexibly adapt her schedule to collect and drive donations to their new homes. She had the opportunity to gather such experiences that others her age may not be able to.

What are your interests?

Her interests are teaching, reading, and website design.

What are you inspired to do with your life?

Angelina intends to become a high school History teacher.

What are your favorite subjects and why?

Her favorite subjects are History and English. she says when reading about history, one can look back in time like a time traveler to understand how things may have functioned and see what caused us to do certain actions the way we do.

In the photo, on the left is Angelina Melendi, and on the right is Corinne Apor, who helps gather volunteers in her school.

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