Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Course Favorites

Seton Course Favorites from Catholic Harbor Students


Here’s a sampling of favorite courses from Seton’s Catholic Harbor members, the student-moderated community of Seton students and grads.

Since the school year is ending for many families, we thought it would be fun to ask our Catholic Harbor students, “What is your favorite high school course and why?”

Here is what they said:

One of my favorite high school courses Seton offers is Economics Online.

I found it to be one of the most comprehensive and in-depth subjects they offer and, paradoxically, one of the most approachable. I found myself truly enjoying a subject that I had always expected would be tedious at best, but with Seton’s customary emphasis on the Faith and a touch of humor, it proved to be anything but that.

Including third-party videos and articles to complement and enhance Seton’s material was also extremely helpful, as were the frequent but small quizzes to reinforce one’s memory. The integrated tests and end-of-quarter essays were challenging but accurately reflected what was taught in the course. Despite Economics Online being one of Seton’s shorter courses (only eighteen weeks), it is certainly one of their best, and I highly recommend it! – Sherlock Holmes

Seton’s French with Rosetta Stone is my favorite high school course. I really enjoy learning foreign languages, and I would love to travel to different countries someday.

Seton’s French course has helped deepen my conversational abilities, and I am confident that I would be able to speak French with a native speaker. In addition, the format for the French course is easy to follow and enjoyable. – Julie

My favorite high school course is decidedly Seton’s Catholic Doctrine. As a Catholic young person in today’s world, knowing the basics of the faith is unquestionably the most important part of education. I appreciated this class very much because of how clearly the material was explained. I am thankful for this course because I can now confidently explain Catholic beliefs to anyone! – Varda

My favorite high school courses have been The Early Church and the Fathers and Biology for Life! The former is a wonderful way to learn about Church history, expanding your knowledge of the Faith and infusing you with enthusiasm for it. The latter gives you a thorough guideline of biology, all from a Catholic, entertaining, and straightforward point of view! – Bluebell

My favorite school course is Seton’s Biology. I have a lot of fun exploring how amazing God’s creation is, and I love looking at all the in-depth pictures.

Seton’s Biology course has really helped me, as a visual learner, to learn more about the world around me. In conclusion, I have learned much from Biology, which has given me a spark of longing to learn more. –  Coffee Cat

My favorite high school course is Seton’s Moral Theology. I love the way they explain theology in a very straightforward manner. Understanding Catholic morality is so important, especially in today’s world. Because I have taken this course, I am confident in my skills to defend my beliefs. I believe furthering our knowledge of the Faith is the most important part of our education, and I am thrilled that Seton offers such a high-quality theology course! – Isabelle

My favorite high school course is probably Seton’s Literature and Composition II. While it is challenging (and exhausting), it’s taught me how to appreciate many classic works from famous authors. I’ve also learned valuable writing skills through writing a variety of different essays. I’ve gained a lot from rigorous Seton courses like these and skills that will help me when writing papers in college and beyond! – Aqua Lily

My favorite high school course is definitely Literature and Composition. I’ve learned a lot about character development, consistency, plot, and story devices, as well as how to write good research and book reports. I already love writing, and this class was very helpful in expanding my knowledge of what I do. The books were interesting, and none of the tests were hard. I look forward to Literature and Composition next year and the Creative Writing Class in Eleventh Grade. – Satoko

My favorite Seton course would be The Early Church and the Fathers! It was very interesting to learn about what our Catholic Faith looked like in the early days and to study the lives and writings of so many early Saints. The course kept my attention with descriptions of the personalities of those days, political and religious dynamics, and the ways in which Christianity shaped and breathed life into civilized culture for centuries. Additionally, the writings of the Church Fathers and early Saints provide much aged wisdom which, is as relevant as ever in our society today. – Rina Maria

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