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Your Questions Answered: Can we enroll now and get our books but start our school year later?


Can we enroll now and get our books but start our school year later? What do we do with the old lesson plans? These and more answers from Seton Counselors.

Can we enroll and get our books now but start our school year later?

Yes, you can enroll now and receive your books and lesson plans but delay your school start date until later in the year. To delay your start date, when you enroll, enter the date you want to start in the comment box. You may also email and let the counselors know what start date you would like. They will then set it for you.

Lesson Plans are set up to be done in 36 weeks (a traditional school year), which is usually plenty of time. However, whatever start date you set, you will have 12 months to finish (24 months for kindergarten and first grade). Two additional months can be added as a grace period, and, if you still need more time, you can purchase a 6-month extension by contacting admissions at 540-636-2039.

Laura Clark, Academic Counselor

My daughter doesn’t want to complete one of her non-required courses. Can she drop it and have it removed from her transcript? (She’s a diploma-seeking student.)

Yes, you can drop the course, and it will be removed from your transcript. We understand this decision might be a bit overwhelming, but we’re here to guide you through the process.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1. We cannot remove a course if there are at least two-quarter grades (e.g., Quarter 1 grade and Quarter 2 grade).

2. You should still have a counselor review your total credits to ensure this course is “extra” since dropping it may mean you would have to pick up another to meet credit requirements for graduation (if you are diploma-seeking).

Sean O’Connor, Academic Counselor

What do I do with my old lesson plans?

When you finish your lesson plans, you can mail them back to us so we can shred them, or you can shred/destroy them yourself. Seton only asks that you return old lesson plans due to copyright regulations. Optionally, you can shred, destroy, or burn them if you like. Let us know by emailing if you decide to do this so we can note it in our database.

If you mail back your old lesson plans, please include your name and family number and send them to Seton Home Study School, 1350 Progress Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630.

Include a note in the package stating that you are ‘returning old/used lesson plans.’

Seton Customer Service

Should my middle school student be able to complete schoolwork on her own?

Some middle school students can take on this responsibility, but most still need a good amount of guidance. These years, students are building the skills needed to work independently.

While they may be able to complete some courses, such as spelling and vocabulary, they may still need a good amount of help with writing assignments and math.

The middle school years are also when students need to learn good study skills, especially in history, science, and religion. These skills will be crucial when students transition to high school, where they may need to work more independently. It is also essential for parents to verify that schoolwork is being completed promptly. A student who claims to be on schedule may be skipping important assignments or, even worse, not completing work.

Also, students left on their own will often complete all the easier school work first and save the more difficult assignments, such as book reports, for the end of the school year.

This may still be true as your student enters high school. Students may be able to work more independently, but it is essential to ensure work is completed. A good motto to remember for high school students is “trust, but verify.”

Laura Fusto, Academic Counselor

How long do I have to finish my Teaching Textbooks course?

A Teaching Textbooks course (license) lasts for 12 months from starting date NOT from purchase date. If you don’t finish within the year, Seton students can request an automatic 60-day extension from Teaching Textbooks.

Teaching Textbooks technical support information is available here:

You can go to that page and tell them you’re enrolled with Seton and would like the 60-day extension.

Seton Academic Counseling

Does Seton issue 8th-grade diplomas?

Yes, we are happy to issue an 8th-grade diploma if all of your student’s assignments have been submitted and graded. To request an 8th-grade diploma, please contact our General Academic Counselor, Cecilia Sauer, at

Jacinta Black, Elementary Academic Counselor

Does Kindergarten music include CDs, or is this something to purchase separately?

Seton has switched from CDs to downloads. Many people have told us that they don’t have CD players anymore, but everyone seems to be able to download music.

You can find the downloads by going to your kindergartener’s MySeton page and clicking the “Resources” tab. Alternatively, you can click on the “Courses” tab and then on the yellow notebook on the line for music. You can listen to the songs there or download them.

But remember, anything you do for music (listening to any music in your home, attending an outdoor concert, etc.) can count as music class.

Laura Clark, Academic Counselor

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