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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

John Clark

On Sleep

When I give talks at home schooling conferences, newly married couples sometimes ask for advice. I’m impressed that these parents care enough about their responsibilities that even before having children, ...

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Who’s Got You?

During the recent blizzard that befell the state of Virginia—a storm that dumped about three feet of snow on the little hamlet of Front Royal—our house lost electric power for ...

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Energetic Reading

When I began my professional career, my schedule was a bit hectic. I would leave at 5:30AM, fight my way through traffic for about ninety minutes and arrive for work. ...

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Love Story

Whether it comes in the persons of Odysseus and Penelope, Romeo and Juliet, or Jamal and Latika, from the ancient Greeks to modern times, every society has glamorized love stories. ...

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Eight Isn’t Enough

As I started thinking about what to write about this month, I kept drawing a blank. That is rare for me. It’s not as though nothing important has happened since ...

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Get Back in the Box

As a former college baseball coach and a lover of the game, I am frequently guilty of reducing life’s greatest lessons to a series of baseball analogies. I often tell ...

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64 Degrees of Separation

Pregnancy and summertime don’t mix. I’m sure I’m not the first one to point this out. It was probably a comment Eve made to Adam when carrying Cain: “Boy, this ...

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Hello, Good Men

When my oldest son Athanasius was about five years old, I observed him playing with his Star Wars toys, imagining a great battle of the good Jedi knights against “the ...

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Time and Tide

As a father, one of my responsibilities is to help my children stay out of trouble. But as the years go by, I wonder if it is the other way ...

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Checks and Balances

For most of my adult life, I have had my most important conversations around breakfast time. This seems to point to one of two possibilities: first, the restful sleep from ...

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Long Division

There are times when I consider myself so disorganized and discombobulated that I think that I must be the wrong person to write articles about the father’s role in home ...

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Conversations with Children

One morning a short while ago, I woke up before the rest of the family and started making myself breakfast. Roused from the smell of coffee, my five-year-old daughter Dominica ...

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A Love Letter

Last month, I encouraged fathers to spend a little time meditating on the life of St. Joseph and asking him for help. This month, I’m encouraging you to deepen your ...

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Before the Throne of God

January brings a promise of a new year, of a new chance, of remembrances and resolutions. So if you’re in the process of looking for resolutions as a Catholic father, ...

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Coming to a Stadium Near You

Since the dawn of the home schooling movement in America, the question has been asked: “Can home schoolers compete academically with their brick-and-mortar counterparts?” Since every serious study has supported ...

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Mere Fatherhood

This monthly column is devoted to examining the role of the Catholic father, and how we fathers can better live our calling. Mostly, it has been about theory. This time, ...

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A Day in the Life

Fathers, you think you’ve have a bad day. Let me tell you what your wife’s day has been like. 8:47AM.  The dog ran into the house and tracked mud on ...

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What’s At Stake

Because I have the worst directional sense of anyone I know, last summer I bought a global positioning satellite (GPS) receiver for my car. Now, I never get lost driving, ...

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