by Lorraine Espenhain | I have a fourteen-year-old daughter who struggles horribly when it comes to reading comprehension.
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Lorraine Espenhain July 26, 2014 7,667 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | I have a fourteen-year-old daughter who struggles horribly when it comes to reading comprehension.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain July 19, 2014 4,657 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | Why couldn’t God have provided a job for my husband in Philadelphia? Why did He feel the need to uproot me from my comfort zone?
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain July 12, 2014 6,644 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | Books are my weakness. I will spend money on books before I do on clothing, curtains, or new furniture.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain June 23, 2014 14,870 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | The Holy Spirit is the life of the Church. If the Holy Spirit did not dwell in the midst of the Church, the Church would be...
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain May 29, 2014 7,080 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | No matter how noble our work for Him may be, be reconciled to our brother whom we have offended. God desires mercy, not sacrifice.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain April 20, 2014 11,108 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | For a while, after the dinner dishes were done, my family would gather around the dining room table, pray the Rosary, and then go into the family room, where I would read aloud a chapter a night from a book about one of the saints.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain April 13, 2014 12,705 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | Once a month, I host a book reading club for Catholic homeschooling moms in my home. I like to use these monthly meetings as an excuse to try out new recipes on those gathered under my roof. If the response is favorable, I then make the dish for my family.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain April 6, 2014 12,934 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | A paradox is a statement or situation that seems to contradict itself. For example, it has been said of the ocean: “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink!” Those who take Christ at His Word, and are not afraid to put that Word into practice in their lives, eventually discover what I call the Divine Paradox of Christianity.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain January 15, 2014 9,056 Views
Because of our fallen nature, you and I are going to be subject to all sorts of temptations for the rest of our lives. There is no point in our lives – no matter how old we are – when we are going to be able to lose our vigilance when it comes to temptation.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain January 8, 2014 10,607 Views
Blessed are those who do not stumble or become hindered in their faith when Christ does not act according to the plans and preconceived ideas they’ve worked out in their own minds concerning how things will go in their lives and how God will move in their lives as well.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain January 1, 2014 10,374 Views
Do you know what an aspiration is? An aspiration is a strong desire to do something, be something, or possess something. People have many different aspirations. Some aspire to be musicians, doctors, or librarians. Some aspire to go to college, while others aspire to go right into the workforce. Some aspire to be priests or religious brothers or sisters, while others aspire to be good husbands and wives. There are as many aspirations as there are people in the world.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain December 24, 2013 9,946 Views
My twin sister recently told me about a woman in her church who was faithful and devout. This woman did everything she could to keep her children from the world. She even home schooled them in order to preserve them for Christ. And yet, in the end, one of her children went the way of the world and even ended up on drugs.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain December 18, 2013 7,931 Views
Psst! Are you one of those people who slowly become unraveled and unglued when you get behind on your housecleaning? If you are, pour yourself a cup of tea and sit down. I want to talk to you. If dust bunnies don’t bother you, sit with me anyway.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain December 11, 2013 7,020 Views
I am convinced – utterly convinced – that if we all got together more often in order to celebrate the simple occasions in life, we would be a happier people. Each generation seems to be growing more and more isolated than the generation that preceded it. American society is fast becoming an isolated society.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain November 27, 2013 7,874 Views
I love to teach God’s Word. It’s something that I’ve been doing forever. In the past, I would teach to the elderly in nursing homes. I would teach to groups ...
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain November 20, 2013 13,860 Views
One year ago, one of my daughters was given a gift subscription to American Girl Magazine. When the subscription ran out, I chose not to renew it even though my daughter wanted me to.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain November 13, 2013 9,787 Views
Tonight I’m making chicken noodle soup for dinner. I need the comfort that it brings to me because today my meds aren’t working. One of the hardest challenges that I face as a homeschooling mother is dealing with hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland).
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain November 6, 2013 8,789 Views
Several days ago, I was in the kitchen whipping up a pot of pumpkin chili, (recipe included below!) while reflecting on some thoughts regarding faith. Earlier in the day, when my daughter was sitting at the kitchen table working on her Catechism lesson, the subject of faith came up. My daughter wanted to know if everyone who believes in Jesus is a Christian.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain November 1, 2013 6,228 Views
When I went to retrieve the mail from my mailbox, I saw a Costume Express catalog in the stack of mail waiting for me. I smiled when I saw the catalog because it brought back a memory to me many years ago, when we were teaching our children about prayer.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain October 25, 2013 11,796 Views
Homeschooling mom Lorraine Espenhain has had bad days, with too much to do, long headaches... Sometimes the only answer is to put life on hold. 'Me time.'
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