Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources


Organizing my Life

Organizing my Life

by John Clark | To all you organizers out there, can you please write an organization book for me? To help you get started, I have some questions.

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The Children of Hope

The Children of Hope

by Kevin Clark " | Recently, I read the novel The Children of Men by P. D. James. The premise of the book is that sometime in the not too distant future, women stop conceiving and giving birth. The book takes place approximately 25 years after the last child was born, and so there are, on the face of the earth, no more children.

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Mary: Perpetual Virgin? 6 Biblical Arguments

Mary: Perpetual Virgin? 6 Biblical Arguments

by Dave Armstrong | Once upon a time, virtually no Christians denied that Mary the mother of Jesus was perpetually a virgin: including Protestants. Of the early leaders of that movement, virtually all fully accepted this doctrine: including Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Bullinger, and Cranmer.

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A Day at the Spa for Homeschooling Moms - by John Clark

A Day at the Spa for Homeschooling Moms

by John Clark | Alright, homeschool Dads. Your wife is reaching the end of another academic year. She has endured arguments from the teenagers about book reports for Goodbye, Mr. Chips. She has sharpened dozens of number 2 pencils.

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Writing That Matters | Part 2

Writing That Matters | Part 2

by John Clark | Why don’t more people write moving pieces? I think that one of the answers is that it’s risky. When you leave a part of yourself on the page, and someone doesn’t like it, it is hard to accept that fact—when people don’t like your work, you sometimes feel like they don’t like you. That can be a bitter pill to swallow.

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Writing That Matters | Part 1

Writing That Matters | Part 1

by John Clark | In the homeschool world, articles abound about how to teach our children to write well. They tend to cover areas such as how to outline, how to write a strong thesis statement, and so forth. These articles are certainly necessary, but as we teach our children composition, we need to remember another aspect of good writing.

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De-Cluttering the Bedroom and Bathroom – Simple Spring Cleaning Steps!

5 Laundry Tips for Men

by John Clark | I have noticed a plethora of domestically-relevant articles (such as household tips) lately on this site, and have observed that they are usually written by women. But women shouldn’t have a monopoly on ideas, so I thought it was time to put a man’s perspective on things.

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New Testament Proofs of Noah’s Historical Existence

New Testament Proofs of Noah’s Historical Existence

by Dave Armstrong | The film Noah has made quite a splash. I have not yet seen it, as of this writing. I'm particularly interested in judging how true to the Bible it is. Most Catholic reviewers have given mixed reviews in that regard and also in the artistic sense, with various degrees of approval or disapproval.

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Why Grownups Don’t Get Stickers for Good Behavior

Why Grownups Don’t Get Stickers for Good Behavior

by John Clark | I went to school for the first five years of my academic life. During that time, if memory serves (and it decreasingly serves), I received many stickers on my papers. Somehow—and no one really knows why—stickers have become part of the primary academic life in America; they somehow signify achievement.

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3 Things Confirmation Candidates Need to Know

3 Things Confirmation Candidates Need to Know

by Marc Postiglione | How would you define the word irony? Might I propose a good working definition as: a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. The same Peter, who out of fear for his own life three times denied that he ever knew Jesus, is now standing in front of the Christian community in Jerusalem boldly declaring the truth about Jesus Christ for the entire world to hear.

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Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | It is common to hear students dismiss certain fields of knowledge as useless to their profession and career. Why should students majoring in information technology, accounting, music, or biology study philosophy, literature, or Latin? Surely they will not need this knowledge in their specialized, technical fields of study.

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