Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources


Why ‘Noah’ Could Change the Way You Read Scripture

Why ‘Noah’ Could Change the Way You Read Scripture

by John Clark | Years ago, I inquired of a wise, old friend as to what her favorite religious movie was. Her answered surprised me. She said: “I don’t watch religious movies. The images in them can effect your reading of Scripture for the rest of your life.” Her point was that, after seeing a film, your meditations are influenced by what you have seen. The more I thought about it, the more I realized she had point.

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Armed Forces Accept Homeschool Enlistees on Equal Terms

Armed Forces Accept Homeschool Enlistees on Equal Terms

by Gene McGuirk | For many years, the U.S. military has made it difficult for home-schooled high school students to enlist. They were often considered to be “non-graduates.” Seton has had many calls from families over the years about our graduates whom some branch would not permit to enlist. In recent years, the Department of Defense (DOD) has been running an ongoing test of new homeschooled recruits to see if they could fit in.

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The Abundant Biblical Support for Lent

The Abundant Biblical Support for Lent

by Dave Armstrong | My specialty as an apologist is “biblical arguments for Catholicism.” I enjoy that aspect of my work a lot because the Bible is the great “common ground” that all Christians share (and I strive to be ecumenical). We all reverence Sacred Scripture and believe it is inspired revelation.

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What We Can Learn About Courtesy From ‘Emma’

What We Can Learn About Courtesy From ‘Emma’

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | The custom of visiting on Sundays and holidays, once a natural part of a human life, has waned in the last fifty years. Visitors feel the obligation to call in advance and ask permission lest they impose or inconvenience their hosts. Hosts who receive visitors sense the need to have ample provisions...

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4 Things to Know about the ‘Te Deum’ in Musical History

4 Things to Know about the ‘Te Deum’ in Musical History

by Bob Wiesner | The Te Deum is an ancient prayer of praise, dating to the 4th Century. Traditionally ascribed to Saints Ambrose and Augustine, composed to commemorate Augustine’s baptism, scholars now also argue for the authorship of Saint Hilary or Bishop Nicetas of Remesiana. Whoever wrote it, it has a long history in the Church.

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Does Social Media Create an Artificial Reality?

Does Social Media Create an Artificial Reality?

by John Clark | Does social networking fulfill man’s need to partake of society, thus removing his binary reduction to man or beast? Is the internet a society at all? These are philosophical questions best left to sociologists. I don’t have the answers. I merely ask them in an everyday, pedestrian sense.

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The Day You Couldn’t Stop Smiling

The Day You Couldn’t Stop Smiling

by Kevin Clark | When you first graduate from college, you attend many weddings. For the five years or so after college, several weddings seem to come every year—some weddings where you know the betrothed well and you are actually in the wedding party, and some where you merely witness the proceedings.

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Education: More than Book Learning?,

Education: More than Book Learning?

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | According to Chauntecleer, books are the final authority of truth. Pertelote, who stays below in the farmyard, views the subject of dreams exclusively in terms of personal experience. Never in her life does she remember a dream that came true.

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Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

by Kevin Clark | The legislature of Arizona recently passed a law which allows a business to assert a free exercise defense if it is accused of discrimination for refusing to provide a service to a customer. The Arizona law, which has gone to Governor Jan Brewer to sign or veto, closely tracks the wording of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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Is Shakespeare in Jeopardy?

Is Shakespeare in Jeopardy?

by John Clark | As I have written previously, on the nights when I’m able, I like to watch the show Jeopardy and try to amaze my kids with my knowledge. (These are the kinds of things you do when you’re old—you get exhausted by failing to impress the world, so you spend your evenings in front of a television set in the hopes of dazzling your offspring.)

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