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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources


Lost in Translation

In ancient times, the Egyptians, lacking an advanced alphabet, used a combination of pictures to express their ideas. That might amuse us in this day and age, but it seems ...

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Wisdom from Nature

“It’s knowing what to do with things that counts.”—Robert Frost, “At Woodward’s Gardens” In Frost’s poem, “At Woodward’s Gardens,” a boy visiting a zoo carries a magnifying glass. From his ...

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Plum Pudding and Scrabble

My children and I were recently speaking about when and how I first began home schooling. The textbook answer is that I started home schooling in the sixth grade, but ...

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No Rest for the Weary

Moms instinctively know how to help their children. It has been said that no thermometer is as accurate as a mother’s hand. There is a lot of truth to that saying.

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Under the Sea… Almost

As I have written in prior articles, my thirteen-year-old son Demetrius has long had aspirations to be a marine biologist. And as a parent who seeks to encourage his children ...

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Sunshine Makers

These articles will cite famous advice, wise proverbs, and prudent counsel as they appear in the classics of literature, in the words of famous characters from the good and great ...

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Television and Lent

With Ash Wednesday fast approaching, many home schooling families are revisiting their annual question: “What should we give up for Lent?” While there are many worthwhile answers to the question, ...

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A Night Out

When we were first married, Lisa and I made a pact to go out on a date at least once a week. And, more or less, we’ve been faithful to ...

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As I write this article, I will turn forty years old in ten days. You would think with four decades of life on this earth under my belt that I’d ...

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A New Year

As I sat down to write this article, I kept wondering what I should write about to inspire home schooling fathers for yet another school year. Let’s face it, I ...

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Play Ball!

It had been a rough day. I was buried in paperwork at the office, two of my children were sick, and the rain had been drizzling since morning. It would ...

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Pragmatism and Principle

Two men faced each other across the expanse of a wide room. Although events had pushed them together, the two could not have been more different. The one man had ...

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