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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources


Make a Lenten ‘Good Deed Beads’ Devotion in 6 Steps!

Make a Lenten ‘Good Deed Beads’ Devotion in 6 Steps!

by Monica McConkey | Lent is a great opportunity to refocus our efforts to draw closer to Jesus. Although we can certainly give up a few of our favorite things, we can also add extra prayers and sacrifices. It’s easy to lose focus or momentum throughout the 40 days of Lent. We can get discouraged when we falter or fail our Lenten promises. Sometimes a tangible way of tracking our progress can motivate us to stay on track or even return to it!

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6 Ways We Taught Our Kids to do Chores… And Learn to Work

6 Ways We Taught Our Kids to do Chores… And Learn to Work

by Jennifer Tutwiler | These days, the measure of good parenting seems to be how care-free and enjoyable an existence we have enabled for our children. Children are expected to play with their toys, play outside, play with their friends, play sports, play with video games... and yet today’s children are some of the most behaviorally challenged in human history.

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A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

by Kerry Costanzo | I love the poem, "The Beautiful Hands of a Priest," and I began thinking the other day about how one could write a similar reflection on the hands of mothers. While a mother’s hands do not share the dignity of those of a priest, they nevertheless have their own special value.

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Education: More than Book Learning?,

Education: More than Book Learning?

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | According to Chauntecleer, books are the final authority of truth. Pertelote, who stays below in the farmyard, views the subject of dreams exclusively in terms of personal experience. Never in her life does she remember a dream that came true.

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Catholic Saints Word Puzzle

‘Catholic Saints’ Word Puzzle

Kids' Corner | Download this 'Catholic Saints’ Word Puzzle! A fun activity to for all ages! Search for these words: Agatha, Bakhita, Bernadette, Blaise, Cyril, Lourdes, Marto, Miki, Scholastica, Slavs, throat, Valentine

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Is Shakespeare in Jeopardy?

Is Shakespeare in Jeopardy?

by John Clark | As I have written previously, on the nights when I’m able, I like to watch the show Jeopardy and try to amaze my kids with my knowledge. (These are the kinds of things you do when you’re old—you get exhausted by failing to impress the world, so you spend your evenings in front of a television set in the hopes of dazzling your offspring.)

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Getting more out of your day!

Getting More Out of Your Day – Starting Now!

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | Listening to the talk shows on television every night, watching athletic events all day Saturday and Sunday, and spending hours on the Internet do not organize the day, deserve priority, or require the discipline of will power. They do not breathe life, nourish the mind, or lift the soul. A person does not need more time to do these essential things but a greater desire to do first things first.

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The Best Wine May be Served Last...

When Things Just Don’t Make Logical Sense

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | The whole episode made no sense to him, and he was at a loss for some possible explanation for his great frustration. The only comfort his mind offers is the knowledge that the accident was not a great tragedy. He acknowledges with gratitude the escape from other “torments and evils to which even this wasted wine would have seemed a wretched jest.”

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Crossword – Catholic Saints

‘Catholic Saints for February’ Crossword

Download this ‘The 4 Marks of the Church’ Crossword! A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions: There are four ___ of the Catholic Church by which all men can recognize it as the true Church. This saint was martyred in the third century; many people give cards to their loved ones on his feast day. This saint was the brother of St. Methodius.

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‘Immortal Love’: How Men Express It… or Try

‘Immortal Love’: How Men Express It… or Try

Every St. Valentine’s Day leaves men at a loss for telling their girlfriends or wives how much they love them. Very often, whether a dozen red roses, a box of chocolates, or a hand-written poem, nothing seems to suffice. If you homeschool husbands find yourself in this predicament, don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there.

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