Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources


4 Ways to Turn Spring Fever into Exciting Homeschool Opportunities!

4 Ways to Turn Spring Fever into Exciting Homeschool Opportunities!

by Christine Collins | Without fail, it happens every year at just about this time. The Christmas holidays are a memory, winter seems to be lasting forever, and school has been in session since before you can remember. At least, that’s how it feels when March rolls around and all we want is to be sipping iced tea with a novel in the backyard while the kids play in the sprinklers.

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Papal Wisdom | Quotes from Encylicals and Documents

Pope Francis on Preparing the Soil

by Pope Francis | Children are not capable of accepting the faith by a free act, nor are they yet able to profess that faith on their own; therefore the faith is professed by their parents and godparents in their name. Since faith is a reality lived within the community of the Church

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6 Ways We Taught Our Kids to do Chores… And Learn to Work

6 Ways We Taught Our Kids to do Chores… And Learn to Work

by Jennifer Tutwiler | These days, the measure of good parenting seems to be how care-free and enjoyable an existence we have enabled for our children. Children are expected to play with their toys, play outside, play with their friends, play sports, play with video games... and yet today’s children are some of the most behaviorally challenged in human history.

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A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

by Kerry Costanzo | I love the poem, "The Beautiful Hands of a Priest," and I began thinking the other day about how one could write a similar reflection on the hands of mothers. While a mother’s hands do not share the dignity of those of a priest, they nevertheless have their own special value.

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Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

by Kevin Clark | The legislature of Arizona recently passed a law which allows a business to assert a free exercise defense if it is accused of discrimination for refusing to provide a service to a customer. The Arizona law, which has gone to Governor Jan Brewer to sign or veto, closely tracks the wording of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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Catholic Saints Word Puzzle

‘Catholic Saints’ Word Puzzle

Kids' Corner | Download this 'Catholic Saints’ Word Puzzle! A fun activity to for all ages! Search for these words: Agatha, Bakhita, Bernadette, Blaise, Cyril, Lourdes, Marto, Miki, Scholastica, Slavs, throat, Valentine

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Is Shakespeare in Jeopardy?

Is Shakespeare in Jeopardy?

by John Clark | As I have written previously, on the nights when I’m able, I like to watch the show Jeopardy and try to amaze my kids with my knowledge. (These are the kinds of things you do when you’re old—you get exhausted by failing to impress the world, so you spend your evenings in front of a television set in the hopes of dazzling your offspring.)

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What You Need to Know about Tradition

What You Need to Know about Tradition

by Dave Armstrong | Sometimes people say that the Bible and tradition are against each other (with tradition being the “bad” thing). But the Bible itself teaches that tradition was already around before the Bible was put together. In fact, the Bible itself is part of the Christian tradition, just as the Catholic Church also is.

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Papal Wisdom | Quotes from Encylicals and Documents

God’s Fatherhood as Role Model for Teaching

by Bl. Pope John Paul II | If it is true that by giving life parents share in God’s creative work, it is also true that by raising their children they become sharers in his paternal and at the same time maternal way of teaching. According to Saint Paul, God’s fatherhood is the primordial model of all fatherhood and motherhood in the universe (cf. Eph 3:14-15), and of human motherhood and fatherhood in particular.

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Pope Pius XI On Christian Marriage

Pope Pius XI On Christian Marriage

Let it be repeated as an immutable and inviolable fundamental doctrine that matrimony was not instituted or restored by man but by God. Not by man were the laws made to strengthen and confirm and elevate marriage, but by God, the Author of nature, and by Christ Our Lord by Whom nature was redeemed; and hence these [marriage] laws cannot be subject to any human decrees or to any contrary pact, even of the spouses themselves.

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Crossword – Catholic Saints

‘Catholic Saints for February’ Crossword

Download this ‘The 4 Marks of the Church’ Crossword! A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions: There are four ___ of the Catholic Church by which all men can recognize it as the true Church. This saint was martyred in the third century; many people give cards to their loved ones on his feast day. This saint was the brother of St. Methodius.

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The Tremendous Gift of Freedom and Destiny

The Tremendous Gift of Freedom and Destiny

Recently in a class to our Confirmation students, I was attempting to explain that much of morality can be traced to Genesis 1:26-27 and the creation of man in the ‘image and likeness of God.’ As I was preparing for the lesson, I thought back to three works that have inspired me and have always been faithful companions in my teaching experiences

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