Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources


7 Steps to Greater Gratitude

Instilling A Spirit of Gratitude: The 6th Principle of The Simple Life

Several years ago, I received a phone call from a dear friend who invited me to take a free shopping spree at Costco Wholesale Club. The offer was so tempting since anything and everything I would purchase that day would all be paid for. I was so floored by such a generous offer that I felt like one of those eager contestants who had just won the grand prize in “Supermarket Sweep.”

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Aren’t You Too Old to Have Been Homeschooled?

Aren’t You Too Old to Have Been Homeschooled?

In passing, I mentioned to a co-worker the other day that college was my first classroom experience. She said “Really?” I explained that, “Yes, I was homeschooled from Kindergarten through 12th Grade.” She said “Oh, wow, cool!” A few minutes later she walked by my desk and said “Wait a minute, aren’t you too old to have been homeschooled???” Well, thanks for that.

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Got Faith? Pumpkin Chili and the Catechism

Got Faith? Pumpkin Chili and the Catechism

Several days ago, I was in the kitchen whipping up a pot of pumpkin chili, (recipe included below!) while reflecting on some thoughts regarding faith. Earlier in the day, when my daughter was sitting at the kitchen table working on her Catechism lesson, the subject of faith came up. My daughter wanted to know if everyone who believes in Jesus is a Christian.

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7 Ways Our Children Can Keep Their Way Pure | Part 1

7 Ways Our Children Can Keep Their Way Pure | Part 1

How can we as Catholic parents help our children keep their way pure when they go out into the world? We are living in a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to all that is good, wholesome, and decent. Although we recognize that the souls of our children are ultimately in the hands of God, we also know that He has placed them in our care.

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The Importance of Fathers in our Search for God (Father and Child)

The Importance of Fathers in our Search for God

These have been a tough couple of decades for fathers in particular, and men in general. [People] attack men’s identity and undermine the whole idea of fatherhood. In the process, women and children are hurt, families are damaged, and our understanding of God Himself becomes confused. Let me outline three criticisms, or problems, which make our times especially hard for fathers.

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Teaching English Primary Grades

Disorder in the Classroom: Where it Goes Wrong

Government schools have purposefully chosen to ignore God, and that while students may choose to believe in God, this is a belief which students must leave outside the classroom door. Since the government schools and textbooks reflect this denial of the existence of God in what is taught and how it is taught...

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5 Tips and Tricks for Teaching Math to Tikes!

5 Tips and Tricks for Teaching Math to Tikes!

Little learners still have to memorize their math facts— addition, and subtraction—and Mom, or in this case Grandma, still has to drill them. Each time I open Math 2 For Young Catholics to one of those long drill pages, I think to myself that it must seem like approaching Mt. Everest to a little kid.

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Poverty Awareness: The 4th Principle of The Simple Life

Poverty Awareness: The 4th Principle of The Simple Life

When I was four years old and living in the Philippines, there was an elderly man who would come around our street once or twice a month to beg for food. He was ill and had a difficult time speaking. Nobody in the neighborhood seemed to know his name. Every time he came, my Lolo, or grandfather, greeted him with a hearty "Hello My Friend!" From then on, all of us children called him "My Friend".

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Thank You Cards: Keeping it Grateful

Thank You Cards: Keeping it Grateful

When a person complains, his creative abilities break free. But it’s also proof to me that we fallen humans don’t commend people well; we don’t thank them enough; and we pat each other on the back far too little.

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The Tortoise and the Hare in the Classroom

The Tortoise and the Hare in the Classroom

Most everyone is familiar with the fable of the tortoise and the hare, but have you ever thought about what lessons this fable holds for education? There are always a few students who are at the head of a class—the hares. For them, the pace of the class comes easily—too easily in fact.

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