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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

A Most Precious Christmas Gift: Homeschooling Your Children


Remember, a most precious Christmas gift you give is homeschooling your children with a good, solid Catholic curriculum in a loving environment: your home.

You Are in Our Prayers!

How often have you received a request from family members or friends to pray for them and their family?

We’ve all heard those words of petition, “Please pray for me!” The Seton counselors hear them often, and we want you to know that we DO pray for you!

You may be having a difficult time with homeschooling because of a sick child, and must spend a lot of time at doctor appointments. You may be homeschooling from bed due to a difficult pregnancy or illness.

You may be a dad who is handling the homeschooling because you’ve lost your job, and mom must go back to work. You may be juggling homeschooling and taking care of an elderly parent who’s been diagnosed with cancer.

Your family may be dealing with the aftermath of one of the recent catastrophic storms, resulting in loss of homes and relocation. You may be new to homeschooling and having a difficult time adjusting.

The reasons for homeschooling are endless, as well as the reasons for struggling with homeschooling.

We hear you, and we listen!

Please know that no matter what crisis or difficulty you are experiencing in your life, we at Seton will do our best to help you work around the difficulties and homeschool your children to the best of your abilities.

That may mean getting an extension for this year or tailoring the curriculum to fit your current needs. It may mean a slightly different schedule or homeschooling on the weekends so that grandparents can help out. Whatever works for your student and your family, works!

One of the most important things you are doing for your children is homeschooling them with a good, solid Catholic curriculum in a Catholic environment – your home. One of the most important things we are doing for our families is keeping you in our prayers every day!

We pray for you each day at Angelus, at Mass, and in our personal prayers. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We hear your requests for prayers, and we act on them.

Please contact us when you are having difficulty homeschooling, and please do not hesitate to ask for our prayers! Prayer is so powerful, and we constantly see the miracles brought about by prayer!

How wonderful and merciful is our loving God!

May God bless you each day as you endeavor to homeschool. May God grant you the strength and faith to endure each crisis and difficulty that comes your way.

May you persevere in all your struggles, knowing God is with you. May you never cease to pray for faith, hope, and love. Please know that you are remembered in our daily prayers in our chapel and we ask you to pray for Seton!

God be with you!

About Seton Home Study School

Seton staff and academic counselors provide insight and expertise on topics from Seton’s Pre-K curriculum to the Military and Uniformed Service Academy Prep Program. Great material to improve your homeschooling experience. Explore Seton |
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