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Prayer Request

Every day at Seton, gathered before the altar at our noontime Angelus, we offer prayers for our families and friends. We are all united in the Communion of Saints, and God allows us through our prayers to uphold, support, and console other members of His Church.

Let us, then, remember to pray for one another as we all walk the path of homeschooling, so that we may all join together in prayer, one day, in Heaven.

We have set aside a place for you here for your requests, consolations and concerns. Share your prayer requests with the Seton Community. There are no limits to the number of requests you can post.

To the soothing strains of Bach’s Ave Maria, we encourage you also to pray for other homeschooling families, especially those who may be suffering from illness, unemployment, or other crosses.

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“How pleasing to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is the short quarter of an hour that we steal from our occupations, from something of no use, to come and pray to Him, to visit Him, to console Him.”
(Saint John Vianney)

“For me prayer is an upward leap of the heart, an untroubled glance toward heaven, a cry of gratitude and love which I utter from the depths of sorrow as well as from the heights of joy.”
(Saint Thérèse of Lisieux)

What is your favorite saint quote on prayer?

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