Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
The Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart

The feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated this year on Friday, June 7th. Among Catholics and many Christians, pictures of the Sacred Heart and devotions to the Sacred Heart are popular because His Heart represents His love, care, mercy, and protection for each one of us.

God is Love. God the Father so loved each one of us that He sent His most beloved Son, Divine Love Itself, to become a human person so that He could not only teach us how to live, but also to die a sacrificial death on the Cross as a reparation for our sins.

Jesus has appeared to several saints to tell them and us about His infinite love for us. In 1923, when Jesus appeared to Sister Josefa, a Sacred Heart nun, He told her to write down messages from Him to all of us. He told her to write, “When you submit yourselves generously to the Will of God, in spite of natural interior opposition to it, in spite of the resistance of your family, in spite of the judgments of the world, when you have given yourself generously to the Will of God, then shall you be closely united to Him and taste ineffable sweetness.”

Jesus is asking us to embrace with love His Holy Will, primary of which is to save the souls of our children by teaching them to live the Faith, and to keep them from the harmful ideas and practices of our society. The current culture approving death for the most innocent, denying God’s laws concerning marriage, raising children to accept pagan ways, all these daily remind us of our God-given responsibility to teach our children and guard their souls.

Let us teach our children to love Jesus in His Most Sacred Heart. Let us teach our children to love Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Let us teach our children to love Him in the Holy Eucharist. Let us teach our children to love Him so much that each day they want to receive Holy Communion to feed their souls with His Divine Love.

Jesus dictated these words to Sister Josefa to pass on to us: “O chosen souls, your happiness and perfection do not lie in following your attraction, nor in living known or unknown to the world, in using or hiding talents, in being thought much of or little, in having good health or not… but [your happiness lies] only and solely in embracing with love God’s Will, and being in conformity with it in what it requires of you for His glory and your holiness.”

We home-schooling parents are, in a way, His chosen people. God has revealed to us the vital importance of fulfilling our vocation of educating our children, and of directing our children in the spiritual life in such a way that they may spend eternity in heavenly glory. Through fulfilling this vocation by homeschooling our children, we experience tremendous spiritual growth ourselves. As we homeschool for His Glory, our whole family can grow in holiness.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I implore, help my family love You more and more.

How do you discern God’s Will? How do you teach your children to love Jesus in His Most Sacred Heart? Have you enthroned the image of the Sacred Heart in your home?

About Dr. Mary Kay Clark

Director of Seton for more than 25 years. Dr. Clark left Mater Dei Academy and began teaching her children at home at seeing firsthand the opportunities and the pitfalls of private schooling. Meet Dr. Clark | See her book
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