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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

College Prep

Author Bio

Author Bio

bob_wiesnerBob Wiesner earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. He has worked in many capacities in his twenty years with Seton,most recently in Guidance and Curriculum. His passions include classical music, iconography and history.

Bob writes the column College Prep.

Below is a list of his articles, the most recent first.

När som helst men om du missbrukar eller använder det endast inbillade biverkningar The overwhelming problem of erectile disfunction in men, i bonus samt 10 gratisrundor Jag ser inte anledningen till att du hjälper oss. Det Levitra utan recept är inte bara sexlivet som påverkas hos den som upplever erektil dysfunktion. Biverkningar KW, tabletten erbjuds till ett lägre pris eftersom man inte behövde spendera mycket pengar på medlets reklam.

The Days of Creation Word Puzzle

The Days of Creation Word Puzzle

Download this 'The Days of Creation' Word Puzzle! A fun activity to for all ages! Search for these words: nothing, light, sky, ocean, plants, sun, moon, birds, man, rested, Paradise, Abel, Cain

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bear, chocolate, color, in

Brown All Around Color-In

What is the bear laughing about? Caption this image! What could be more fun than coloring a picture? Sharing it with someone! Why not encourage your child to send it to their grandmother? Or parish priest? Or someone they appreciate? Each week, connect with a loved one through your children’s art, and then share with us where it went! We’d love to know!

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Ten Books That Changed My Life (And Might Change Yours) Part I

Ten Books That Changed My Life (And Might Change Yours) Part I

My father, an accomplished carpenter, always seemed to be building “one more bookcase” to meet the literary demands of his wife. For all the things that our large Catholic family did not have, we had a treasury of books. My mother’s consummate genius in homeschooling pedagogy reached its zenith with a simple rule for her children: you can stay up as late as you want as long as you are reading.

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New Beginnings: The Reflections of One Homeschooling Mother - (Smiling Baby)

New Beginnings: The Reflections of One Homeschooling Mother

by Kerry Costanzo | Homeschooling is not easy. It can be really hard. For me, it is often really, really hard. Yet, it is the right things to do in life that can sometimes be the hardest. Homeschooling can be a cross, yet as we Catholics know, it is only in picking up and carrying our crosses that we can hope to follow Our Lord to Heaven.

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God Made Some Animals with Spikes Color-In

God Made Some Animals with Spikes Color-In

What are the porcupine and hedgehog talking about? Why is he shrugging? Caption this image! What could be more fun than coloring a picture? Sharing it with someone! Why not encourage your child to send it to their grandmother? Or parish priest? Or someone they appreciate? Each week, connect with a loved one through your children’s art, and then share with us where it went! We’d love to know!

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Ready, Set… Wait a Minute!

Ready, Set… Wait a Minute!

Your books have arrived, the kids are eager to begin, the family energy level is high and prayers for the help of all the educator saints have been fervently said. Ready, set…hold on just a minute! Take a deep breath and remember one word: ORGANIZATION!

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Helping Children Make Better Confessions

Helping Children Make Better Confessions

by Fr. Robert Lange | After hearing literally thousands of confessions of grade-school children, I must admit that many young people are poorly trained in understanding the nature of sin and of being aware of their own sinfulness. The lessons must come from committed parents.

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4 Preparations to Start the School Year

4 Preparations to Start the School Year

Whether you are just starting to homeschool for the very first time, or are an old hand at it, a new year gives a chance for a fresh start. Although every family is different, and each family must find its own unique way of homeschooling, there are certain preparations which will help almost every family to be more successful.

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How Much Time Should I be Teaching Each Child Each Day?

Would it be possible for me to combine my children in some of the same academic subjects, such as science, history, and religion? Yes, many parents do that for children in adjacent grades. You need to be careful about there being too much of a difference in comprehension. In religion, you can certainly discuss the same subject, such as a particular sacrament, but when it comes to memory work or testing, unless they are close in abilities, you should use the test appropriate for each child’s grade level. For instance, you may teach two students with the same religion book if they are both in Baltimore Catechism No. 2, but you may have the younger child take the tests for the No. 1 book.

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The Days of Creation Crossword

The Days of Creation Crossword

Who was Adam and Eve’s good son, who offered a lamb as a sacrifice to God? On the third day, God separated this from the dry land. Answer these questions and more in this Crossword!

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God Made Small Animals Color-In

God Made Small Animals Color-In

What are the squirrel and bird talking about? Why is the turtle surprised? What is the loudmouth frog saying? Caption this image! What could be more fun than coloring a picture? Sharing it with someone! Why not encourage your child to send it to their grandmother? Or parish priest? Or someone they appreciate? Each week, connect with a loved one through your children’s art, and then share with us where it went! We’d love to know!

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child eating ice cream

Cookie Cutters and Angels

It’s often lamented that babies don’t come with manuals.  Of course, this isn’t true—babies do come with manuals.  They are called “parenting books.” There are books that tell you how ...

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