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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

College Prep

Author Bio

Author Bio

bob_wiesnerBob Wiesner earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. He has worked in many capacities in his twenty years with Seton,most recently in Guidance and Curriculum. His passions include classical music, iconography and history.

Bob writes the column College Prep.

Below is a list of his articles, the most recent first.

När som helst men om du missbrukar eller använder det endast inbillade biverkningar The overwhelming problem of erectile disfunction in men, i bonus samt 10 gratisrundor Jag ser inte anledningen till att du hjälper oss. Det Levitra utan recept är inte bara sexlivet som påverkas hos den som upplever erektil dysfunktion. Biverkningar KW, tabletten erbjuds till ett lägre pris eftersom man inte behövde spendera mycket pengar på medlets reklam.

The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

by Jennifer Tutwiler | Homeschoolers tend to be an optimistic group. No matter what trials we faced in the previous school year, we look forward to the next with all the anticipation of a child awaiting Christmas. For some families, though, this optimism can fade as each year becomes a worsening repetition of the previous year’s challenges. Nothing works. Nothing improves. Survival is the only thing left. This was our own experience for three very long years.

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A Mother and Child - Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

by Fr Frank Papa | We all are commanded to obey the Ten Commandments because they were given by God the Father to Moses for all of us to obey. Jesus, the Son of God, repeated the Ten Commandments and the requirement for all to obey them. We all are required to be obedient to God’s commandments. Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

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Ned’s Red Bed Color-In

Caption this image! What is name of the juggler? Why is the boy wearing a cape? What are they talking about? Share your child’s comment below! What could be more ...

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Motivation and Home Schooling: Finding the Right Carrot

Motivation and Home Schooling: Finding the Right Carrot

I recall once going to my aunt’s house to baby sit for her three daughters. While in the kitchen, I was amused to see that she had a picture of a swimsuit model on her refrigerator. Before pulling anything out of the refrigerator to eat, my aunt had to look at the picture. This was clearly meant to dissuade her from eating, in hopes of having a figure like the woman in the picture. While the idea was amusing to me, it made some sense. Although my aunt had a general intention to lose weight, the picture gave her direct motivation at the time it was most needed.

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