Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

College Prep

Author Bio

Author Bio

bob_wiesnerBob Wiesner earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. He has worked in many capacities in his twenty years with Seton,most recently in Guidance and Curriculum. His passions include classical music, iconography and history.

Bob writes the column College Prep.

Below is a list of his articles, the most recent first.

När som helst men om du missbrukar eller använder det endast inbillade biverkningar The overwhelming problem of erectile disfunction in men, i bonus samt 10 gratisrundor Jag ser inte anledningen till att du hjälper oss. Det Levitra utan recept är inte bara sexlivet som påverkas hos den som upplever erektil dysfunktion. Biverkningar KW, tabletten erbjuds till ett lägre pris eftersom man inte behövde spendera mycket pengar på medlets reklam.

The Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart

The feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated this year on Friday, June 7th. Among Catholics and many Christians, pictures of the Sacred Heart and devotions to ...

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Roger Ebert and Confession

Roger Ebert and Confession

Roger Ebert, the Chicago-based film critic who died recently, wrote that the first thing that really pushed him away from practicing his Catholic faith was his unwillingness to confess certain ...

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Final Academic Preparations

Final Academic Preparations

You’ve finally just about completed everything for your long-anticipated diploma.  There is still the fourth quarter Government test, one English essay, and a Religion test.  Summer is just around the ...

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Recycling Wisdom

Recycling Wisdom

The other day, I performed a task which is very common for the father of a large family—I took my trash to the dump. I am not someone who is ...

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Why Home Schooling?

Why Home Schooling?

Father John Hardon, a highly respected Catholic theologian, now deceased and currently being considered for beatification, spoke to homeschooling parents at a conference. This is a selection of his comments. ...

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Center Ice

Center Ice

Thanks to some good friends generously giving us tickets and inviting us to go along with them, Veronica and I recently went to see an NHL hockey game. I have ...

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