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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

College Prep

Author Bio

Author Bio

bob_wiesnerBob Wiesner earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. He has worked in many capacities in his twenty years with Seton,most recently in Guidance and Curriculum. His passions include classical music, iconography and history.

Bob writes the column College Prep.

Below is a list of his articles, the most recent first.

När som helst men om du missbrukar eller använder det endast inbillade biverkningar The overwhelming problem of erectile disfunction in men, i bonus samt 10 gratisrundor Jag ser inte anledningen till att du hjälper oss. Det Levitra utan recept är inte bara sexlivet som påverkas hos den som upplever erektil dysfunktion. Biverkningar KW, tabletten erbjuds till ett lägre pris eftersom man inte behövde spendera mycket pengar på medlets reklam.

Why Grownups Don’t Get Stickers for Good Behavior

Why Grownups Don’t Get Stickers for Good Behavior

by John Clark | I went to school for the first five years of my academic life. During that time, if memory serves (and it decreasingly serves), I received many stickers on my papers. Somehow—and no one really knows why—stickers have become part of the primary academic life in America; they somehow signify achievement.

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How to Respond to Tragedy in a Spirit of Hope

How to Respond to Tragedy in a Spirit of Hope

by Emily Molitor | All that I offer, I give to Jesus. What does this entail? The cry of a widow over her murdered husband of one year? The agony of a mother by the bedside of her dying child? Opening the newspaper or checking my Facebook newsfeed reminds me daily: surely the world is one of suffering. Each way I turn I meet with a story of suffering, and I struggle not to become overwhelmed by fear and discouragement.

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3 Things Confirmation Candidates Need to Know

3 Things Confirmation Candidates Need to Know

by Marc Postiglione | How would you define the word irony? Might I propose a good working definition as: a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. The same Peter, who out of fear for his own life three times denied that he ever knew Jesus, is now standing in front of the Christian community in Jerusalem boldly declaring the truth about Jesus Christ for the entire world to hear.

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Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | It is common to hear students dismiss certain fields of knowledge as useless to their profession and career. Why should students majoring in information technology, accounting, music, or biology study philosophy, literature, or Latin? Surely they will not need this knowledge in their specialized, technical fields of study.

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My husband reluctantly agreed to homeschooling our children, but I’m afraid he won’t next year.

by Dr Mary Kay Clark | Try to understand why your husband is opposed, but have a conversation only if it can be without bitterness or argumentation. He may be opposed because he thinks you are not qualified to teach, or because the children are not being “socialized,” or because the children do not have opportunities for sports activities. Whatever the reason, try to become more informed about reasonable answers: you are using an accredited curriculum or you will have the children participate in activities with other homeschooled children.

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Good Manners and Politeness are Keys to Student’s Success

Good Manners and Politeness are Keys to Student’s Success

by Ginny Seuffert | Theme 4: Repeated exercises in the forms of good manners and politeness. Gatto’s fourth theme is that elite private boarding schools offer their students repeated exercises in the practice of good manners and courtesy based on the utter truth that politeness and civility are the foundations of all future relationships and the key of access to places a person might want to go.

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Crossword- The Passion

‘The Passion & Resurrection’ Crossword

Kids' Corner | Download this ‘The Passion & Resurrection’ Crossword! A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions: 1) This is the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. 2) On Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ ___.

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Why ‘Noah’ Could Change the Way You Read Scripture

Why ‘Noah’ Could Change the Way You Read Scripture

by John Clark | Years ago, I inquired of a wise, old friend as to what her favorite religious movie was. Her answered surprised me. She said: “I don’t watch religious movies. The images in them can effect your reading of Scripture for the rest of your life.” Her point was that, after seeing a film, your meditations are influenced by what you have seen. The more I thought about it, the more I realized she had point.

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Our Cottage Spring Cleaning Adventure: Part 1

Our Cottage Spring Cleaning Adventure: Part 1

by Abby Sasscer | Spring is definitely in the air and what better time to declutter and organize our domestic church than during this beautiful season of Lent. Despite the on-again, off-again winter weather we’ve been experiencing here in Virginia, the Great Purge of 2014 is well underway in our little home in the hills.

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9 Steps to Better Homeschool Motivation

9 Steps to Better Homeschool Motivation

by Mary Lou Warren | What can we do if we notice that our children are not motivated to learn? As parents and teachers, we want to inspire and encourage our children to learn and live a full and healthy life. What do we do if we start noticing a problem?

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The Divine Paradox: How I Learned to Hold On By Letting Go

The Divine Paradox: How I Learned to Hold On By Letting Go

by Lorraine Espenhain | A paradox is a statement or situation that seems to contradict itself. For example, it has been said of the ocean: “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink!” Those who take Christ at His Word, and are not afraid to put that Word into practice in their lives, eventually discover what I call the Divine Paradox of Christianity.

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