Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Private Graduations

Private Graduations

Graduation from high school is a big deal.  Earning the diploma is a real rite of passage in a young person’s life and should be recognized by great celebration.  Although our graduation ceremony in May continues to grow in size each year, the majority of our seniors are still unable to participate in Seton’s own corporate gathering.  However, there are other options.

A growing number of parishes organize a Mass to honor all the graduates each year.  Very often the pastor also allows for the actual presentation of diplomas after the Mass.  Clearly the Eucharist is an entirely appropriate accompaniment to the importance of the event.  Some parishes are also open to the idea of having a parish reception afterwards to further honor their young members. If there are a significant number of homeschooling families in the parish, this provides a great opportunity for a fabulous social gathering.

If for any reason a public recognition in the church is not possible, a group of families may consider renting a hall or using large family facilities for their ceremony.  Perhaps there may even be a prominent local Catholic personality willing to deliver a commencement address!

Some families do find themselves in areas with few other families.  In that case, there certainly is no reason not to have a small family gathering, with invited friends and neighbors.

And don’t forget the party!

How are homeschool graduations recognized in your parish or community?

About Bob Wiesner

Bob earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. His passions include classical music, iconography and history. Meet Bob
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