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Why Are Bright and Joyful Students Flourishing at this Catholic College? - Stephen Canale

Why Are Bright and Joyful Students Flourishing at this Catholic College?


Stephen Canale, Admissions Rep at Northeast Catholic College, talks with Seton graduates on the reasons they chose NCC and why they flourish there.

Location, location, location…

As the Admissions Representative for Northeast Catholic College, I spend a significant amount of time talking with homeschooling students and families. More than 60% of our student body comes from a homeschool background, and the majority of these students are Seton graduates.

Why Are Bright and Joyful Students Flourishing at this Catholic College? - Stephen Canale

Needless to say, I have a well-developed sense of the transition from homeschool to NCC and beyond.

This article is not to serve as an encouraging “Seton Homeschoolers thrive socially and academically here at Northeast Catholic.” The firsthand reflections from Seton alumna Anna Eileen and the Bayley Bulletin profiles say more than I ever could.

Seton Alumni flourish wherever they go, whether they join the friendly confines of Seton Partner schools or shine as beacons of change in secular schools.

For Seton students, it is not “Will I succeed?” but “Where will I succeed?”

Last year more students than ever before chose Northeast Catholic College to help them continue along their path towards human flourishing.

Why Are Bright and Joyful Students Flourishing at this Catholic College? - Stephen Canale

The reasons always vary, but there are some commonalities amongst our Seton students that have brought them from all over the country to the idyllic New England town of Warner, NH.

NCC is home to some of the brightest, friendliest, most joyfully Catholic students in the country. Our campus fosters deep friendships, genuine responsibility, and an unparalleled sense of welcome.

“For me it was an extension of my family. When I visited campus for the first time, I felt at home, a feeling I would never get at a big college.” -Sabrina White ’18

The thriving social community, while essential, is only one part of what makes us unique. We are, after all, a college.

“There are some deep parallels between the curriculum of Seton and Northeast Catholic. Seton is very English and Religion heavy; here Catholic Identity is woven into every part of our curriculum.” -Meagan Robinson ’19

With four new majors, rooted in the foundation of the Great Books, our students are relentless in their pursuit of the Truth. Our dialogic classes recreate the accessibility and room for questions that you have at home, and infuse the lessons with a myriad of different student perspectives. Dialogue is the engine that drives the curriculum at NCC.

“What I found is that NCC nurtured and developed the education I had received at Seton in my religion and history classes. It was more than that however; art and photography classes continued where my independent study at Seton left off. I am now even exposed to topics and classes in math and science that I never had the chance to take while in high school.” -Sophia Kelly ’17

We in the admissions department hope you take a minute to learn a little bit more about life here at Northeast Catholic College. Reach out to us; ask us why we had 100% freshman retention last year. Ask us why our current freshman class is the largest in the college’s history. Ask us why more of our students come from Seton than any other school.

We are still enrolling for Fall 2016 and have a $5,000 scholarship for graduates of Seton Home Study School (We’re happy to extend the scholarship dealing from May 1st to June 15th for Seton graduates)!

We hope you join us as we “put out into the deep.”


Photos courtesy of Northeast Catholic College

About Stephen Canale

Stephen Canale
Stephen Canale is the Admissions Representative for Northeast Catholic College. A native of Massachusetts, Stephen now lives in Concord, New Hampshire. Having been at NCC for a year and a half, he works with prospective students and families, attends college fairs, and does slam dunks in the field-house. He spends most of his free time hiking, playing guitar, and crafting excuses to stop strangers and play with their dog. Stephen Canale, Admissions Representative at Northeast Catholic College, sits down with Seton graduates to reflect on the reasons why they chose NCC.

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