Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
6 Family Activities to Honor 'Celebrate Life Month' - by Liz Beller

6 Family Activities to Honor ‘Celebrate Life Month’


Six family activities to celebrate life and cultivate at an early age an appreciation for the beautiful gift of life which God has bestowed on us.

January is a special month to commemorate the gift of life.

Although October is officially recognized as the Respect Life month in the Catholic Church, ironically enough January is nationally recognized as the Celebration of Life month here in the United States.

Unfortunately, during January we have an acute reminder that not everyone in this country acknowledges the sanctity of human life, with the annual anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision occurring on January 22nd.

Here are six great activities to do with your homeschooled children this month to cultivate at an early age an appreciation for the beautiful gift of life which God the Creator has bestowed on us.

1. Pray.

Make it a special point to pray for unborn children and their expectant mothers this month, especially those faced with a crisis pregnancy.

You could set aside a mystery of the Rosary for this intention, or just remember it daily in your morning or evening prayer.

Or, have your children spiritually adopt an unborn baby. This entails praying for an unknown (but particular) baby who is in danger of abortion.

This idea was promulgated by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, when he encouraged praying the following prayer daily for nine months:

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s name] the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”

Although only God can know the outcome of this spiritual adoption, it is a wonderful practice to incorporate into your daily schedule.

2. Witness.

Take high-school aged students to pray and witness at an abortion clinic, or volunteer for a day at a pregnancy center.

Attend the March for Life on January 22nd in Washington, D.C., if you are able.

American Right to Life also provides information about local marches held throughout the country to commemorate the sanctity of life in solidarity with those in D.C. (Editor’s note – 8-23–2016: The link the author referenced by ARL is no longer available. You can find a calendar of pro-life activities here.)

If you are not able to attend any of these events, check with your local parish to see if there are any services scheduled.

Many churches hold prayer vigils, Eucharistic adoration, and special Masses for those who cannot be present at the March for Life.

3. Educate.

Cultivate an awareness and respect for life at its earliest stages. It is never too early to begin teaching your children about the value of human life from conception to natural death. Read to your little ones about the stages of life of the unborn baby in the womb.

This book ‘Angel in the Waters‘ by Regina Doman is a very positive teaching model, and is a well-reviewed beginner book for little ones.

Purchase a set of fetal models to help your children visualize the stages of development of an unborn baby. The fetal models are also highly recommended as a teaching tool for sidewalk counselors, and have been known to save lives!

4. Visit.

Don’t forget the elderly! Make it a point to visit grandparents who are nearby. Have your children give long-distance relatives a call, or write them a letter.

Also, visiting a rest home or assisted living facility is a corporal work of mercy, and a very rewarding experience for the old and the young alike.

5. Donate.

Many people get rid of extra “stuff” in January with the accumulation of new items at Christmas. Instead of throwing out old toys and baby items, if anything can be salvaged, consider giving your used items to a family in need. Have your children pick out one plaything they can do without, and give it away.

Set aside a little extra money to buy diapers or formula for Crisis Pregnancy centers.

6. Celebrate.

Don’t forget to celebrate the wonderful gift of life that God has bestowed on us. Recognize all of the Creator’s gifts daily, and have your children write a list of the things they are grateful for in their own lives.

Commemorate any family birthdays or baptismal days (the day we received the gift of spiritual life in our souls) in a special way.


About Liz Beller

Liz Beller
Liz Beller grew up in Southern California, and attended Christendom College, where she received a BA in History. After working in the Admissions Office at Christendom for two years, she married and now currently resides in Front Royal, VA, with her husband and new baby boy. Her hobbies include cooking, photography, and writing, when she isn't otherwise occupied changing diapers!

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