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The Resurrection | Kids Corner Crossword

The Resurrection | Kids Corner Crossword

Download this ‘The Resurrection’ Crossword!
A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions:

  1. St. ___ wanted to see proof of Our Lord’s Resurrection before he believed.
  2. The guards __ after seeing the stone rolled away.
  3. The name of the two women who went to the tomb.
  4. “He is not here, He is __, as he said.”
  5. Our Lord rose from the dead on the ___ day.
  6. Our Lord remained with His disciples for __ days after His Resurrection.
  7. The day we celebrated Our Lord’s Resurrection is called __ .
  8. “Why seek you the __ with the dead.”
  9. “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my ___”
  10. The angels at the tomb were dressed in garments as white as __ .

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