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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Featured Families

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Our Featured Families are as varied as you can imagine! What they hold in common though is a love of God and family and a passion for transmitting the Faith to their children. We are so appreciative that they have welcomed us into their homes to share in their homeschooling adventure!

Have you enjoyed reading about our Feature Families? Would you consider giving back? If you would like to be featured in an upcoming issue of Seton Magazine, please Submit a paragraph and a photo, explaining what our readers would enjoy about your family’s story.

Below are listed this column’s articles, most recent first.

One Family’s Homeschooling Saga

One Family’s Homeschooling Saga

by Charles Asper | All 19 years of my classroom education took place in public institutions. My father (a son of a Lutheran missionary and minister) was a public school teacher. I even had him as my Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry teacher in High School (not quite homeschooling, but I really enjoyed him as a teacher).

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Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock

Pregnant and nauseous, I traveled with my husband, kids, and parents to Emmitsburg, Maryland, to sit on a rock. Yes, a rock. It’s a long story that begins and ends with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. As I sat on the rock from which Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton taught her first three students, with my first three “students” Gianna...

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From England with Love

From England, With Love

“Look at those huge rain clouds!” I said to my sister Molly as we scrambled up the wide, sloping green hills of Uffington in our search for the famous 374-foot White Horse carved into the chalky ground.

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For Love of Them - Seton Magazine October 2013 Issue

For Love of Them

Like most Catholic-Christian parents, we are dedicated to the care of our children. The Philippine culture is notable for the utmost importance it places on the family. In fact, in the Filipino communities, it is normal to find a modestly-sized house occupied by several extended family members.

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The Madrid Family

A Straight and Narrow Path

For our family, the decision to homeschool our soon-to-be seven children includes ALL of the aforementioned reasoning. We believe homeschooling is truly the straight-and-narrow path to the arms of Our Heavenly Father. For our family, homeschooling is, “The way, the TRUTH, and the life” (John 14:6).

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