Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Ginny’s Gems

Ginny Seuffert

Author Bio and Books

Author Bio and Books

GinnySouffert-150x150Ginny Seuffert has been a leading writer and speaker about homeschooling and Catholic family life for more than two decades. She has given hundreds of talks at Catholic Homeschooling Conferences and has written scores of articles on everything from discipline to home management. She is a founding member of the Illinois Association of Roman Catholic Home Educators, helped establish the “Round Table” (a Catholic home school leadership discussion group), and became a founder and officer of the Catholic Home School Network of America.

Ginny writes the column Ginny’s Gems.

My Books

10 Essentials for Teaching Your Pre-Schooler at Home

Home Management Essentials


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Below is a list of her articles, the most recent first.

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day is right around the corner. On this special occasion, many of us are given a long weekend to celebrate. We have barbeques, picnics, parties or maybe a family vacation at the beach or some other enjoyable place.

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Papal Wisdom | Quotes from Encylicals and Documents

Christian Education Benefits Society

by Pius XI | The proper and immediate aim of Christian education is to cooperate with divine grace in forming the true and perfect Christian… For the true Christian must live a supernatural life in Christ and display it in all his actions. For precisely this reason, Christian education takes in the whole of human life, physical and spiritual, intellectual and moral, individual, domestic, and social.

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The Madrid Family

A Straight and Narrow Path

For our family, the decision to homeschool our soon-to-be seven children includes ALL of the aforementioned reasoning. We believe homeschooling is truly the straight-and-narrow path to the arms of Our Heavenly Father. For our family, homeschooling is, “The way, the TRUTH, and the life” (John 14:6).

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Saint Moses the Black - Bad Boys Gone Good

Bad Boys Gone Good

A recent Seton graduate informed us that he had chosen Moses for his Confirmation patron. No, not THAT Moses! There was, in fact, another Moses from the same Egyptian locality who was as colorful a character as the great Patriarch. August 28th could well be termed the feast day for bad boys gone good...

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The Sermon on the Mount - Home Schooling and the Beatitudes

Home Schooling and the Beatitudes

The Beatitudes are worthy of our study. The first Beatitude, from the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus, encourages us to be poor in spirit. To be poor in spirit, we must empty ourselves of anything and everything that tends to displace Jesus Christ in our lives. Jesus must be first in our lives. He can’t be in second place. He must always be front and center.

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Our Lady of La Salette

Our Lady of La Salette

On September 19, the Catholic Church celebrates the apparition of the Blessed Mother when she appeared to two children in La Salette, France, in 1846. This apparition and the message are practically unknown in our country, likely because of the amazing miracles in relation to the apparitions of Fatima in Portugal and of Lourdes in France.

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lamb lion ladder, lemon sheep color in

Lambs & Ladders Color-In

Caption this image! Why did the lamb climb the ladder? What are the sheep and lion saying? Share your child’s comment below! What could be more fun than coloring a ...

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The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

by Jennifer Tutwiler | Homeschoolers tend to be an optimistic group. No matter what trials we faced in the previous school year, we look forward to the next with all the anticipation of a child awaiting Christmas. For some families, though, this optimism can fade as each year becomes a worsening repetition of the previous year’s challenges. Nothing works. Nothing improves. Survival is the only thing left. This was our own experience for three very long years.

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A Mother and Child - Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

by Fr Frank Papa | We all are commanded to obey the Ten Commandments because they were given by God the Father to Moses for all of us to obey. Jesus, the Son of God, repeated the Ten Commandments and the requirement for all to obey them. We all are required to be obedient to God’s commandments. Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

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Ned’s Red Bed Color-In

Caption this image! What is name of the juggler? Why is the boy wearing a cape? What are they talking about? Share your child’s comment below! What could be more ...

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