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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Ginny’s Gems

Ginny Seuffert

Author Bio and Books

Author Bio and Books

GinnySouffert-150x150Ginny Seuffert has been a leading writer and speaker about homeschooling and Catholic family life for more than two decades. She has given hundreds of talks at Catholic Homeschooling Conferences and has written scores of articles on everything from discipline to home management. She is a founding member of the Illinois Association of Roman Catholic Home Educators, helped establish the “Round Table” (a Catholic home school leadership discussion group), and became a founder and officer of the Catholic Home School Network of America.

Ginny writes the column Ginny’s Gems.

My Books

10 Essentials for Teaching Your Pre-Schooler at Home

Home Management Essentials


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Below is a list of her articles, the most recent first.

Saints for June Crossword

‘Saints for June’ Crossword

Kids' Corner | Download this ‘St Joseph’ Crossword! A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions: 1) The month of June is dedicated to the ___ ___ of Jesus. 2) We celebrate the Feast of the ___ and ___ of Jesus on June 2nd.

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Rain Delay

Rain Delay

by John Clark | It is often said that baseball is a game between fathers and sons. I have a thirteen-year-old daughter named Philomena who would disagree, or would at least argue that this definition is incomplete.

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Organizing my Life

Organizing my Life

by John Clark | To all you organizers out there, can you please write an organization book for me? To help you get started, I have some questions.

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Help! My High School Students Can’t Concentrate With Younger Children Around!

by Mary Kay Clark | Consider asking your older children to start their schoolwork earlier in the day, for instance, at 7:30 a.m., so they can get at least one or two subjects done before the noise begins from the younger children. Since older children usually stay up later than younger ones, they might try doing some of their schoolwork after the little ones are in bed.

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The Children of Hope

The Children of Hope

by Kevin Clark " | Recently, I read the novel The Children of Men by P. D. James. The premise of the book is that sometime in the not too distant future, women stop conceiving and giving birth. The book takes place approximately 25 years after the last child was born, and so there are, on the face of the earth, no more children.

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Mary: Perpetual Virgin? 6 Biblical Arguments

Mary: Perpetual Virgin? 6 Biblical Arguments

by Dave Armstrong | Once upon a time, virtually no Christians denied that Mary the mother of Jesus was perpetually a virgin: including Protestants. Of the early leaders of that movement, virtually all fully accepted this doctrine: including Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Bullinger, and Cranmer.

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Spring Cleaning the Girls’ Room!

Spring Cleaning the Girls’ Room!

by Abby Sasscer | When Baby Girl felt she was ready to move in her sister’s room, our challenge was to make them feel like they had their own “special space”. This took a bit of creativity since the space we were working with was so limited. When Baby Girl is a bit older, we will eventually move a bunk bed in here to make their special space a bit more permanent.

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The Glory of Easter Word Puzzle

‘The Glory of Easter’ Word Puzzle

Kids' Corner | Download this 'The Glory of Easter' Word Puzzle! A fun activity to for all ages! Search for these words: Ascension, Athanasius, baptize, disciples, Fatima, James, Matthias, olives, Philip, Trinity, Visitation, worker.

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