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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Ginny’s Gems

Ginny Seuffert

Author Bio and Books

Author Bio and Books

GinnySouffert-150x150Ginny Seuffert has been a leading writer and speaker about homeschooling and Catholic family life for more than two decades. She has given hundreds of talks at Catholic Homeschooling Conferences and has written scores of articles on everything from discipline to home management. She is a founding member of the Illinois Association of Roman Catholic Home Educators, helped establish the “Round Table” (a Catholic home school leadership discussion group), and became a founder and officer of the Catholic Home School Network of America.

Ginny writes the column Ginny’s Gems.

My Books

10 Essentials for Teaching Your Pre-Schooler at Home

Home Management Essentials


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Below is a list of her articles, the most recent first.

Why ‘Noah’ Could Change the Way You Read Scripture

Why ‘Noah’ Could Change the Way You Read Scripture

by John Clark | Years ago, I inquired of a wise, old friend as to what her favorite religious movie was. Her answered surprised me. She said: “I don’t watch religious movies. The images in them can effect your reading of Scripture for the rest of your life.” Her point was that, after seeing a film, your meditations are influenced by what you have seen. The more I thought about it, the more I realized she had point.

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Our Cottage Spring Cleaning Adventure: Part 1

Our Cottage Spring Cleaning Adventure: Part 1

by Abby Sasscer | Spring is definitely in the air and what better time to declutter and organize our domestic church than during this beautiful season of Lent. Despite the on-again, off-again winter weather we’ve been experiencing here in Virginia, the Great Purge of 2014 is well underway in our little home in the hills.

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9 Steps to Better Homeschool Motivation

9 Steps to Better Homeschool Motivation

by Mary Lou Warren | What can we do if we notice that our children are not motivated to learn? As parents and teachers, we want to inspire and encourage our children to learn and live a full and healthy life. What do we do if we start noticing a problem?

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The Divine Paradox: How I Learned to Hold On By Letting Go

The Divine Paradox: How I Learned to Hold On By Letting Go

by Lorraine Espenhain | A paradox is a statement or situation that seems to contradict itself. For example, it has been said of the ocean: “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink!” Those who take Christ at His Word, and are not afraid to put that Word into practice in their lives, eventually discover what I call the Divine Paradox of Christianity.

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Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

by Marlicia Fernandez | Lent is flying by and the pink vestments (or the rose, as many a priest has informed many a congregation) have made their appearance during the Mass, for Laetare Sunday. That means we are a little more than half-way through the Lenten season. Most of us find that exciting because we see the light at the end of the Lenten tunnel. Easter is right around the corner!

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Why Learning About Courts and Corporations Makes Better Leaders

Why Learning About Courts and Corporations Makes Better Leaders

by Ginny Seuffert | Gatto’s Third Theme is that students must gain insight into major institutional forms including courts, military, and corporations, as well as the ideas that drive them. By truly understanding these institutions, students mature into responsible citizens who will not be persuaded by opinion-makers in the major media, but will be capable of forming intelligent, independent judgments, and then acting on them.

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Armed Forces Accept Homeschool Enlistees on Equal Terms

Armed Forces Accept Homeschool Enlistees on Equal Terms

by Gene McGuirk | For many years, the U.S. military has made it difficult for home-schooled high school students to enlist. They were often considered to be “non-graduates.” Seton has had many calls from families over the years about our graduates whom some branch would not permit to enlist. In recent years, the Department of Defense (DOD) has been running an ongoing test of new homeschooled recruits to see if they could fit in.

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The Abundant Biblical Support for Lent

The Abundant Biblical Support for Lent

by Dave Armstrong | My specialty as an apologist is “biblical arguments for Catholicism.” I enjoy that aspect of my work a lot because the Bible is the great “common ground” that all Christians share (and I strive to be ecumenical). We all reverence Sacred Scripture and believe it is inspired revelation.

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Saint Joseph Word Puzzle

‘St. Joseph’ Word Puzzle

Kids' Corner | Download this ‘St. Joseph’ Word Puzzle! A fun activity to for all ages! Search for these words: Anna, carpenter, David, Egypt, Gabriel, Herod, Joseph, just, Nazareth, Simeon, temple, twelve

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Papal Wisdom | Quotes from Encylicals and Documents

Pope Francis on Families Sharing Faith

by Pope Francis | In the family, faith accompanies every age of life, beginning with childhood: children learn to trust in the love of their parents. This is why it is so important that within their families parents encourage shared expressions of faith which can help children gradually to mature in their own faith.

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