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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Ginny’s Gems

Ginny Seuffert

Author Bio and Books

Author Bio and Books

GinnySouffert-150x150Ginny Seuffert has been a leading writer and speaker about homeschooling and Catholic family life for more than two decades. She has given hundreds of talks at Catholic Homeschooling Conferences and has written scores of articles on everything from discipline to home management. She is a founding member of the Illinois Association of Roman Catholic Home Educators, helped establish the “Round Table” (a Catholic home school leadership discussion group), and became a founder and officer of the Catholic Home School Network of America.

Ginny writes the column Ginny’s Gems.

My Books

10 Essentials for Teaching Your Pre-Schooler at Home

Home Management Essentials


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Below is a list of her articles, the most recent first.

Surviving in a Secularized Society

Surviving in a Secularized Society

Pope Francis: "There is another form of poverty! It is the spiritual poverty of our time, which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously. It is what my much-loved predecessor, Benedict XVI, called the ‘tyranny of relativism,’ which allows everyone to create his own criterion and endangers the coexistence of peoples. But there is no true peace without truth.”

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Seton Home School’s Curriculum: Why So Catholic?

Seton Home School’s Curriculum: Why So Catholic?

We are sometimes asked why Seton’s materials are so saturated with Catholic content. There are a myriad of reasons, but first and foremost, we fill our curriculum with Catholic content because we know that in God’s plan, the purpose of education is not simply to learn facts, but to prepare souls—curious combinations of intellect and will—for eternity. Education, from this perspective, is a hugely important, yet delicate, task.

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Our Lady of Lourdes: 6 Points to Know

Our Lady of Lourdes: 6 Points to Know

On February 11, 1858, the Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France, when Bernadette was only fourteen years old. The “lady” appeared to be only about sixteen, wearing a white veil and a white gown with a blue sash.

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Heroic Truth: Pressing on towards Bethlehem

Heroic Truth: Pressing on towards Bethlehem

As someone who has been teaching high school and college now for more than fourteen years, it has become life’s daunting task to motivate students. In an age of instant communication, a teacher needs to be able to convey subject material in a way that is both ever dramatic and always engaging. It used to be a concern to worry about a bad day; now, one has to worry about an un-engaging minute.

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El Cid Campeador - Identifying 4 Kinds of Conflict for Book Reports

Identifying 4 Kinds of Conflict for Book Reports

Several of our graders and counselors in the English Department came up with some ideas to help students to understand the different kinds of “conflict” which students are to write about in a book analysis for high school English. We think this might be useful for all our parents and students when analyzing books.

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Motivate Homeschool Children – Harvard Business Style!

Motivate Homeschool Children – Harvard Business Style!

As homeschooling parents, we often look for the best way to motivate our children in their academics. Professor Brandon Irwin of Harvard Business School has conducted studies regarding motivational style. Although this was done with business organizations in mind, we parents can sometimes learn from such studies and apply the principles to our educational adventure.

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Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Stillness is a thing which it seems harder and harder to find. The constant barrage of information that comes to us now is seemingly more confusing than ever. Years ago, I remember seeing pictures of Times Square, with its multiple electronic screens flashing messages to passersby, and I thought it would be a rather disorienting place to be.

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Wonder is the Beginning of Knowledge

Wonder is the Beginning of Knowledge

Contemplation is a form of looking inspired by wonder that moves a person to continue looking at a great work of art or to remain thinking about a great idea, divine miracle, or mystery.There is so much to see or know that one lingers to see more and to think more deeply.

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