Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
2014 Resolutions from Seton Homeschoolers

2014 Resolutions from Seton Homeschoolers

Editor’s Note: We recently asked on our Facebook page for home schooling New Year’s resolutions from our families. Here are some of the ones they gave us:

  • Have my second grader reading.
  • My resolution is to have more fun with teaching. More reading aloud, more hands on learning fun.
  • Keep up with grading and hours.
  • Grade every week and to be more hands on.
  • Be more consistent.
  • More one on one time with each kid.
  • Do more Art!!!!
  • Attend Mass more often.
  • Find a home school group to join!!
  • Try to answer the hard questions when asked . Even if I don’t know the answer – wing it!
  • Be more consistent and hands on, enjoy the process, and most of all, to stop comparing our journey to those of public schooled friends!
  • Get back on a good roll after many family changes (deaths and separations). Make myself very proud!!!!
  • Start the school day earlier so we can get done earlier and I can get to bed earlier!
  • Get my high school diploma before I turn 19 in August! Be the best senior I can be! Most of all – balance my senior year of Seton, a part-time job, and college emergency medical technician classes!
  • Be punctual.
  • Be more consistent and having more fun teaching and learning :)

We’d love to hear your 2014 resolutions, too!

Feel free to share them in the comments below.


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