Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Why Seton’s Strong Study Habits Are Perfect for College

After nine years of home schooling with Seton Home Study School, I am currently settling into my new home: Christendom College. Classes have begun, homework has become a reality, new faces have become fast friends, and my daily schedule is busier than it has ever been.

Since I stepped foot on Christendom’s campus, I have been realizing how integral my education with Seton Home Study School has been in my decision to attend Christendom College.

Firstly, Seton’s curriculum cultivated in me a love of learning and a desire to attend a school like Christendom, which is so uniquely and primarily focused on the academic success of its students.

Secondly, Seton’s curriculum instilled in me study habits that enable me to understand material quickly and work through assignments effectively, tools necessary to become a successful student.

Thirdly, Seton gave me a love for deep conversation and fruitful pastimes and I know that these methods are unparalleled in their ability to foster true friendships.

Without my education from Seton Home Study School, I believe that my passion for learning, my confidence in the classroom, and my priorities in participating in my college community would have been vastly different; my education from Seton Home Study School has led me to Christendom’s campus.

A Love of Learning

Seton, along with a great dose of parental support, has given me a very genuine love of learning. Finding a love and a passion for learning is one of the greatest gifts—perhaps even the greatest gift—Seton has given me.

Of course during my college search, I was elated about the idea of making new friends, joining an intramural team, and participating in various extracurricular activities, but I knew that these opportunities could be found outside of Christendom.

I wanted to attend a college where academics inarguably come first and where knowledge is valued simply because it is good. An education with Seton Home Study School has allowed me to understand the great gift of knowledge.

At Christendom, I have found a peace and a certainty as this gift of knowledge is treasured above all else. Thus, after several talks given by Christendom’s staff and alumni that were whole-heartedly, consistently, and proudly focused on the college’s liberal arts education, I decided to attend Christendom College. My Seton education instilled in me a desire and an appreciation for Christendom’s strong liberal arts program.


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Strong Study Habits

Not only has Seton given me a great love of learning but it has also given me a firm foundation in a classical education and in study habits that have allowed me to be confident stepping into the classroom for my first classes.

With its strong high school curriculum particularly centered on Religion, English, History, Literature, Science, Foreign Language, and Math, Seton Home Study School has given me the preparation I need entering into Christendom’s rigorous core curriculum. Emphasis on memorization, writing skills, independent research, and classical books are familiar to a Seton graduate. With a Seton diploma, I am able to approach the workload at Christendom with a positive attitude.

Since I have begun to juggle homework, classes, and social time, I have been so grateful for the strong study habits which years of Seton homeschooling have given me. Seton Home Study School has cultivated in me the tools needed to be successful at Christendom.

I could not mention my home school education and my decision to attend Christendom without mentioning the College’s vibrant student body and the abundant opportunities for true friendship. Seton’s education has given me insight into the priceless value of true friendship founded on virtue and a great desire to form such true friendships.

Thriving Friendships

Christendom’s campus is more conducive to forming lasting and genuine friendships than any other place I have every visited. Fruitful and meaningful conversations are begun in class and continued outside the classroom. Resident Advisors and the Student Activities Counsel thrive working alongside one another. Students, professors, and staff attend daily Mass together. Upperclassmen are already eager to aid my classmates and me.

Overall, Christendom is a place of selflessness and community where friendships among the students are genuine. As I look ahead to the next four years, I am thrilled to learn and work alongside friends in classes and extracurricular activities. Christendom’s strong community built upon genuine friendships already feels like home.

Seton Home Study School, which has instilled in me a love of learning, the ability to be successful as a college student, and the desire for true friendship, led me to choose Christendom College. The college’s unparalleled focus on the liberal arts was vastly appealing to me because of my classical education from Seton Home Study School.

Furthermore, my high school education from Seton has enabled me to be properly prepared to delve into Christendom’s core curriculum. Seton Home Study School has given me the desire for a good community founded on deep conversation and the pursuit of Truth—the community of Christendom College.

At Christendom College, I have found the fulfillment of my strong education with Seton Home Study School and I look forward to the using the gifts which Seton has given me and which Christendom College will uphold and foster.

About Mary Katherine Mooney

Mary Katherine Mooney

Mary Katherine Mooney is a freshman at Christendom College hailing from Clover, S.C. Mooney achieved a perfect score on the SAT essay and was a finalist for Christendom’s Padre Pio full-tuition scholarship. She is a member of her parish’s Respect Life Committee, a talented pianist, and an avid skier/snowboarder.

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