Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Work & School: Learning to Operate Successfully Outside the Home - by Bob Wiesner

Work & School: Learning to Operate Successfully Outside the Home

A vital part of growing up is learning from experience. All the books in the world won’t be of much help to a person who cannot actually function outside the home.

Thus, this month’s column focuses on employment for the high school student and learning to operate successfully outside the home.

For most, the time eventually comes when small jobs such as baby sitting or yard care must give way to more formal work situations. Some will find good employment year after year with the same employer, something akin to an internship, while others may find it more interesting to experience a variety of jobs as they search for a field with more permanent appeal.

My own experience included construction (I hated it!), restaurant work (I enjoyed this and can still turn out passable Mexican food), an ice factory (rough work, but a really cool summer job!) and a grocery store, which I enjoyed due to the great variety of people I encountered.

I’m glad to have had these experiences, though I had long been aware that I would aim at a career in education.

Some Seton students have literally made their own jobs, of course. Two young ladies, independently of each other, were quite successful in raising beef cattle. One of them actually solved some problems with cattle and was traveling the country giving talks to rancher’s associations by the time she was sixteen!

Both completely paid for their college education! Seton students have formed businesses as diverse as breeding show horses, computer repair services, dog grooming, art galleries, and journalism. The only real limit is one’s own imagination and inventiveness.

The general idea is that diligence and excellence in academic affairs should translate very well to the world of gainful employment.

About Bob Wiesner

Bob earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. His passions include classical music, iconography and history. Meet Bob
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