Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Ginny’s Gems – Where to Go from Here?

The first two volumes of Ginny’s Gems have proved to be pretty popular — far better received than I ever expected. I have to confess that the whole idea behind writing the books was not mine.

Dr. Mary Kay Clark and Kevin Clark, who edit my articles for Seton’s monthly newsletter, thought that the same readers, who liked my columns about keeping family life and household routines simple, might enjoy a book on that topic. Because homeschooling moms can really struggle with home management, Seton decided to give Ginny’s Gems – Home Management Essentials a wide circulation, and before you know it, I’m the author of a bestseller.

For quite some time, parents had been asking Seton for help putting together a specifically Catholic preschool program. During development, someone had the idea that parents of pre-schoolers might also like some practical advice about navigating through the world of toddlers. I kept Ginny’s Gems: 10 Essentials for Teaching Your Preschooler at Home intentionally short and to the point to accommodate the moms of young kids who have trouble finding the time to brush their hair much less read a book.

Volume III of the series has discipline as its topic and I expect it to be a hot sales item. Discipline, or more importantly its lack, is the major reason that parents hesitate to homeschool, and sadly, sometimes put their children back into brick and mortar schools. The book is about half written. I’ll finish writing and polishing it after the homeschool conference season is over, so my guess is it will be available before the end of the year. It has not been given an official title, but perhaps: Ginny’s Gems: Ten Essentials of Discipline in the Homeschool. I hope it will help parents.

So the question is: what next? I would welcome suggestions. Is there a specific topic or situation that you could use some help with? Scheduling? Teaching multiple grades? The large family? Teen years? Defending Catholic homeschooling itself?

Let me know by posting your suggestions.

About Ginny Seuffert

Ginny Seuffert has been a leading writer and speaker about homeschooling and Catholic family life for more than two decades. She has given hundreds of talks at conferences and written three books. Meet Ginny | Ginny's Books
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