Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
5 steps homeschooling keys

5 Catholic Homeschooling Keys to Success

We recently asked our readers to share homeschooling advice that they have found helpful or that they often share with others. Here are five of the most popular Catholic homeschooling tips you provided:

1. Have Confidence

  • “Homeschooling can be like marriage. There are challenges and difficulties, but the rewards are incredible.”
  • “If you put any effort into it at all you’ll have nothing to worry about.”
  • “Have the confidence that you can successfully homeschool and always remember the rewards. Don’t forget that Seton is there to help anytime. My kids now love their school and are proud to be homeschooled students of Seton Home Study School. They tell me they never want to go back to public school.”

2. Don’t Stress

  • “Be patient and don’t stress! Your children need breaks & recesses and so do you: go on dates with your husband. Be sure to have a system set up and use it! Keep good track of your notes and grades. Pray and love on your children!”
  • “Relax and pray. It will all get done.”
  • “Homeschooling doesn’t all fall into place all at once. There is a learning curve. Stick with it and you won’t regret it.”
  • “Don’t get discouraged by comparing your homeschooling milestones to others.  Every family is different and moves at its own pace.”

3. Pray & Trust the Lord

  • “Pray together every day.”
  • “Pray the daily rosary together as a family, asking Our Lady for extra help with homeschooling.”
  • “Pray together, read together, practice the virtues together, and give God room in your schedule to take care of the rest.”
  • “Trust in God’s Will!”

4. Stay Flexible

  • “I think my simplest advice would be to trust your instincts and never be afraid to change something if it’s not working for your family.”
  • “You work the curriculum, don’t let the curriculum work you.”
  • “Enjoy being with your children every day! Don’t stress if you feel the need to change your schedule for one reason or another. God always provides!”

5. Keep Your Eyes on the Goal

  • “Homeschooling takes a lot of work, but the rewards are great! If you put God first, the rest will fall into place! Just do it!”
  • “Homeschooling my daughter has been an amazing experience. I thank our Lord for working in our lives through Seton. We love it!!!
  • “Never give up. This is a journey you are going through with your child. Remember that homeschooling is one of the best gifts you could ever to give to your child.”

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