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Create a Spiritual Powerhouse in Your Parish!


Starting a parish rosary group can be fruitful for your parish today and reap benefits for generations to come. Here’s how to get started.

Twenty-five years ago, a nice lady I had met at my parish’s mom and tots group invited me to pray the rosary on the coming Friday night. It was a family rosary night that occurred every Friday, and it centered on teaching their very small children how to pray.

It was a joyful prayer time in which toddlers and babies behaved like toddlers and babies and young children offered intentions for their friends and families. It was not a particularly quiet prayer time, but it was so very beautiful.

That rosary group has been life-changing.

Our group has dwindled to mostly adults, those babies and toddlers having grown up and left the nest. Many of those older children have their own children and have started their own Friday rosary group even as ours continues. To say that the fruits of this group are both visible and eternal is an understatement of epic proportion.

Teaching Children to Pray

Starting a children’s rosary group in your parish is a perfect way to teach children to pray the rosary and encourage friendships among young people who are learning to love their heavenly mother.


When you gather children to pray, their natural piety has an opportunity to flourish and grow, and their inclination to love God becomes a desire to be with Him all of their lives. It is that powerful and that important.

Asking your pastor to allow a children’s rosary can ensure his parish’s growth for years and years. When you ask, be sure to tell him that each week the intentions of the parish and priests will be prayed for, and he is sure to see the fruits of these prayers.

The Fruits of Prayer

Children praying will change the character of your parish, making it more of what God wants and what your community needs.

Through this group, your parish will become stronger and more vibrant and attract the lost, the needed, and the fallen ones, and what else is a church for if not to pull in those in need of God’s everlasting love and mercy?

The apparitions at Lourdes and Fatima make clear that Our Lady is calling upon children to pray the rosary. The world is so fallen; these are dark times, but all can be saved by gathering children and praying together. Think of how many miracles have been obtained through the rosary: the battle of Lepanto, the Philippine Revolution, the miraculous cure of Father Peyton, the rosary priest, from tuberculosis, and many more.

Our Lady made fifteen promises to St. Dominic for those who recite the Rosary faithfully. These include the defeat of sin and heresy, the special protection of Our Lady during life, and the assurance of not dying without the sacraments of the Church. Gathering to pray the rosary together will ensure your children and parish all the promised benefits of devotion and a firm place in the heart of Our Loving Mother in heaven.


About Mary Ellen Barrett

Mother of seven children and two in heaven, Mary is wife to David and a lifelong New Yorker. She has homeschooled her children for eleven years using Seton and an enormous amount of books. She is a columnist for The Long Island Catholic and blogs here . Meet Mary Ellen.
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