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Follow the Days of Advent 2016! Free Printable Advent Activity - Maria Nauman

Follow the Days of Advent 2016! Free Printable Advent Activity

Maria Nauman, a Featured Family on, has hand-drawn and inked out a beautiful, full-page celebration of Advent 2016 for you and your children to enjoy!

You can print out this activity and pin it up on your fridge. Then use a magnet to start at the beginning of Advent, and count down the days to Christmas.

She has packed it with seasonal quotes, saints’ feast days, Scripture selections and plenty of little drawings to color in. Perhaps each day, a child  could color a new block, slowing filling the page with color and decoration!

We hope you enjoy this free 2016 Advent activity, and we’d love to see what you do with it!

Comment your thoughts below, and share what creations of art you make!

Follow the Days of Advent 2016! Free Printable Advent Activity

Download This Free Advent Activity!

About Maria Naumann

Maria Naumann

Maria, her husband, Chris, and their six Lilliputians live a quiet country life in coastal Georgia. When she’s not sitting around with her feet up eating bon-bons, she homeschools, makes rosary wrap bracelets at, and blogs after midnight at

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