Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Dual Enrollment

Frequently Asked Questions about Dual Enrollment in College Courses


“Some of the most frequently asked questions I receive from high school families are about dual enrollment in college courses. I hope this helps. – Nick M.”

Will Seton accept transfer credits from a college or university?

Yes. This is considered Dual Enrollment.

To receive credit for college or university courses, Seton requires an official transcript.

A print-off from the school’s website with courses and grades does not meet this requirement.

Can any course be done as a Dual Enrollment course?

No. Not all courses or activities will qualify. For example, once enrolled, diploma-seeking Seton students are required to take Seton’s English, Theology, Biology, and Social Studies courses. However, many math, science, foreign language, electives and fine arts can be done as a dual enrollment.

Are grades received for Dual Enrollment courses part of the GPA?

No. Because Seton does not grade the work, dual enrollment credit grades are not a part of the Seton GPA.

How much credit does a Dual Enrollment course receive?

All one semester, 3 credit college courses receive a full credit, rather than a half credit, in Seton’s system.

For example, Spanish 101, a one-semester college course will be credited as one full year of high school Spanish.

Do I need to tell Seton I intend to do a Dual Enrollment course?

Yes, please do! Seton’s Guidance Department wants to ensure that you are on track for a Seton diploma, if that’s your plan, and will record your intention to Dual Enroll in your profile. In this way, we will know to expect a transcript from you for the courses in which you choose to dual enroll.

About Nick Marmalejo

Nick Marmalejo
Nick Marmalejo, a history major, graduated from Christendom College in 2001. He holds a Virginia Teacher Certification and lives in the Shenandoah Valley with his wife and three children.

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