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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

In the Schoolroom: Lilies for St. Joseph Craft


This handprint paper lily is a sweet craft to keep little hands busy and is perfect to decorate your Saint Joseph statue or altar and later used at Easter.

According to legend, when the Blessed Mother was three years old her parents, Saints Ann and Joachim, brought her to the temple in Jerusalem. In gratitude for her birth, they consecrated her to God and allowed her to serve Him there.

Mary, Our Lady, had made a vow to remain a virgin in service to God. Not wishing to interfere with a vow made to our Lord but unable to keep a marriageable young woman in the temple the High Priest called together the Temple Elders and asked them to pray over this. As they did so, a voice spoke from above,

“Her husband shall be revealed when all the unmarried men of the house of David bring a staff to the altar of the Lord. Then the chosen husband’s staff shall flower, and the dove of the Holy Spirit shall rest upon it. Thus, shall be fulfilled the words of the prophet Isaiah,”

“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” Isaiah 1:11

All the unmarried men from the House of David were called upon and came to the temple to present their staffs. Joseph, fearing he was too old to marry, did not come forward and when no flowers bloomed the Elders again began to pray.

God sent an angel to call upon Joseph to step forward and as he walked, his staff burst out in white lilies. It was in this way that God made known the earthly father for His Son.

The legend is a beautiful one and one which helps us to realize that Saint Joseph was chosen by God as a husband for Our Lady and to foster Our Lord Jesus.

To honor this great saint, patron of the Universal Church, families, farmers, carpenters, workers, fathers, and a happy death, is a privilege. His example of faithful devotion to God and His plan, to his family, and to us is one that we should all strive to emulate and instill in our children.

About Mary Ellen Barrett

Mother of seven children and two in heaven, Mary is wife to David and a lifelong New Yorker. She has homeschooled her children for eleven years using Seton and an enormous amount of books. She is a columnist for The Long Island Catholic and blogs here . Meet Mary Ellen.
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