Excited about beginning her fourth year with Seton, Heather Hryniewiecki shares insight about her experience to help you have a successful homeschool year.It’s an exciting time of year for our family—filled with new pencils, reams of paper, binders, and best of all, Seton books!
It’s almost box day, and I am anxious to get started on another fantastic year of homeschooling.
New to homeschooling?
Have you considered jumping into this exciting adventure? Maybe this is your first year giving it a try. Maybe you’re switching from another style of education and have decided to try Seton Home Study School.
Well, let me just assure you that you have chosen wisely with Seton! This will be our fourth year enrolling with them, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Our children are comfortable with the way the books are laid out, can do many of the assignments independently, are challenged and excelling with the material, and love the faith-filled art in each and every book.
I can’t tell you how many impromptu discussions about our Catholic faith have happened because of the beautiful art throughout each text and workbook.
Catholic Materials
One of the amazing aspects of enrolling with Seton has been the peace of mind I have, knowing not only that the children are covering every subject, but that it is being presented in a thorough, faith-filled way.
I don’t need to check workbooks for any inappropriate material that I would not want my children to see. I can rest assured that the content is faithful to Catholic teaching, and that their faith will be encouraged in every subject.
Help When You Need It
If there are ever any questions about the material or how to present it, there are counselors ready to take your call or email, to help in any way they can. This has surely lessened any anxiety I had when I first decided to enter into home education.
This service helped me to feel confident that if I ever had any confusion or didn’t understand how to best present a subject (especially math) that there would be help readily available. For me, this alone was worth the cost of enrolling.
A second stress reliever is having Seton grade not only quarterly tests, but also book reports! It is so comforting to know, especially for new homeschool parents, that the student is completing the tests and assignments correctly and at a grade appropriate level.
I know in my own experience, particularly with book reports, that this service put my mind at ease. Letting the Seton graders help take that worry away has been such a blessing, and helped me to be aware of what level and quality of work should be aimed for.
It’s All Worth it!
You have made a beautiful choice for your family in deciding to home educate your children.
With your love and commitment you are capable of teaching them. Your children can thrive under your care and Seton is there to help you both have a successful homeschool year.
So take a deep breath, say a prayer, and let’s get started on this amazing new school year!