Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Keys to Success

Keys to Homeschooling Success for New and Returning Families


The Seton counselors care deeply about your family’s homeschooling success and offer these tips and resources to help make your efforts more fruitful.

Your Lesson Plans

Please take time to read the introduction to each set of lesson plans. They vary with each grade level and offer much information for homeschooling a student in that grade.

Essential Pages in Your Lesson Plans:

  • Grading scale pages
  • Guidance about re-doing assignments
  • Curriculum exchange forms
  • Attendance sheets (for you; not to be submitted)
  • Quarterly checklists to help keep you organized

Become familiar with these pages, and you will avoid confusion and save yourself time during the year.

On the quarterly report forms are spaces for parent grades to be entered on the top half of the sheet. Below that is a list of tests and assignments that need to be submitted to Seton. You also will find the percentage of the grade assigned to each test.

The next step is to review each subject and highlight assignments to be submitted to Seton for grading. Those assignments are necessary for a complete transcript; therefore, it is important to note them. They are also on your MySeton page.

Among the key elements for getting organized are the Quarterly Report Forms. You have four for each subject (except half-credit high school courses) and one for each quarter. These serve as cover sheets for your submitted work and grades.

Submitting Your Student’s Work

Families may submit work to be graded either by mail or electronically. Grading electronically submitted work is faster and easier for graders than grading mailed-in work. This is particularly the case with English classes in high school because of the essays and research reports.

If families submit work by mail we ask that elementary student work be submitted when the entire quarter is complete. For high school level courses, we suggest that the items for each individual course be sent when a quarter’s work is completed, although you can send multiple courses at once.

Put each student’s work in a separate envelope, and please include the quarterly report forms. Mark all of your papers with the student number and the student’s name. (We suggest that you make copies of student papers submitted to guard against the possibility of items being lost in the mail.)

If you submit work electronically, which Seton highly recommends, each item can be submitted as it is completed. For example, when a student completes a book analysis, it can be submitted. Seton recommends electronic submission (or taking tests directly online when that is available) for several reasons:

  • The work is received by Seton immediately and is returned immediately after grading, so no time is spent in transit.
  • There is no chance of anything being lost in the mail.
  • A copy of the graded work is stored online so that students can review graded work at any time.
  • Faster grading means students can see and correct errors more quickly.

Sometimes, families wait to gather together multiple quarters—sometimes the whole year—and send in all the work at once. This is not a good idea because students can’t learn from grader feedback if multiple quarters are sent in at once.

MySeton Page

Access it from the homepage: www.setonhome.org/myseton.

The MySeton page is part of the Seton Home Study School website exclusively for your family.

Use your family number, to log in for and many tools to help with your homeschooling. If you’re logging in for the first time you’ll be guided on setting up your account.

On the Home Page you can find articles from the Seton Magazine, a link to connect you with other Seton families in your area, advice about signing up for Seton emails, a link to the staff directory, and special announcements from Seton.

The purpose of the MySeton page is to save busy homeschool moms time by making it a one-stop shop for all for your Seton needs. It pays to be as familiar as possible with all the features, so we ask that you spend some time becoming acquainted with everything on the page.


Counselors Are Here to Help

The Seton counselors are available to help in any way they can. They are truly invested in your child’s education and care deeply about all our families’ successful homeschool experiences.

We want you to have the best educational year ever! To that end, if you need help or advice, we encourage you to contact us at counselors@setonhome.org.


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