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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Mary Healey – Special Services Counselor


Seton Special Services can calm the waters, help with challenges, and offer solutions so families can educate their children at home.

I am Mary Healey, and I love working as a Special Services Academic Counselor at Seton Home Study.

Staff Series

When speaking with parents, I often reflect on one of my favorite saints, St. John Bosco, and his system of educating the young. Don Bosco’s system is rooted in St. Paul’s instruction, “Love is patient, love is kind it bears all things … hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Cor. 13:4.7

St. John Bosco began his mission around 1850 in Turin, Italy, an industrial town where poverty and child labor was prevalent. Young boys often had to fend for themselves, working long hours, earning low wages, and frequently living on the streets. Their lives were hard and stressful.

Their plight touched the great saint. His inspiration was to show the child God’s love, using religion and reason to introduce and maintain a peaceful order. He was so successful under stressful conditions, that I often borrow from his Salesian preventative way. I hope to relay these methods to parents so that they may use them to succeed like Don Bosco.

The first and most important application starts with the frequent visit to the sacraments of confession and the Holy Eucharist. Another application is to give children ample liberty to jump, play sports, gymnastics, music, and hike.

Modern Struggles – and Solutions

Staff Series

Today’s parents can struggle with similar challenges as the families in Turin. Our families may have a single-income, multiple school-age children, and young children that
need attention.

Add to this a child with special needs that requires so much of the parent’s attention. Is it any surprise that parents may think their child with special needs is a candidate for the brick-and-mortar school system?

I’ve found, though, by working in Seton Special Services, that we have resources to help parents achieve the orderliness and peace similar to that found in St. John Bosco’s schools. We can help with the greatest challenges, calming the waters and enabling families to keep their children educated at home.

For me, providing Seton’s Special Services resources to keep the family together and at home is a joy beyond measure.

If you think we can help, please get in touch. We are ready to lift you up. or 540-622-5576

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