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My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer

My Simple Kitchen: 7 Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference

This is the second post in Abby Sasscer’s Simple Kitchen Series

Busy moms as we are, there are many things throughout the day that clamor for our time and attention. And because our time is so precious, I’m a big fan of making healthy meals without spending way too much time in the kitchen.

Technology has helped tremendously in this area and I welcome anything that can help simplify my life so I can focus on homeschooling my little ones.

Below is my top seven list of small appliances that make a big difference in my kitchen. The good news is that almost all of these appliances were given to us as wedding gifts. I’m so thankful that they are still in working order after seventeen years of marriage :-)

Here’s my Top Seven List

1 . Toaster Oven

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Image Copyright: JFK Up Close

Image Copyright: JFK Up Close

Perfect for toasting bread, baking small portioned meals or reheating leftovers. Toaster ovens take lesser time to preheat, use less electricity than large ovens, is easier to clean and keeps the kitchen cooler during the summer time.

2 . Slow Cooker

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Image Copyright: Bunches and Bits

Image Copyright: Bunches and Bits

Perfect for suppers, soups, and an occasional dessert or two. Slow cookers typically provide tastier meals as there is more time for flavors to blend throughout the day. I love the convenience of placing ingredients in the morning and ending up with a delicious evening meal. In our home, we use slow cookers to soften beans and legumes and freeze them for future meals. These beans are less expensive than their canned counterparts and they taste better, too!

3 . Rice Cooker

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Image Copyright: Alex Shultz

Image Copyright: Alex Shultz

Okay, it’s safe to say that a rice cooker is our family’s equivalent of a bread machine. We follow a mostly Asian diet and rice is a must have in our home. I love the fact that I can place rice in the pot, add some water and just push a button. Rice cookers keep your rice warm without burning. Some rice cookers even have settings for both brown and white rice. You can also use it to cook other grains like quinoa, steam veggies and poach fruits.

4 . Blender

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Image Copyright:  Faisal Zahari

Image Copyright: Faisal Zahari

Perfect for chopping, mixing and liquifying. We use ours mainly for fruit and veggie smoothies and allows us to enjoy the health advantages of whole foods as opposed to just drinking its juice.

5 . Hand Blender

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Image Copyright: justcooknyc

Image Copyright: justcooknyc

This small appliance is also known as an Immersion Blender. This is probably my most favorite small kitchen appliance. It is easier to clean than regular blenders and doesn’t take as much space to store. It allows for full liquid immersion rather than using a blender that can cause spilling or burning. We use ours to make cream of vegetable soups, various bean soups, and homemade whipped icing to top our cakes :-)

6 . Coffee Grinder

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Image Copyright: Theodore Richard

Image Copyright: Theodore Richard

Okay, so I’m probably one of the few moms in this world who doesn’t own a coffee maker. I admit, I love the taste of coffee and the boost of energy it gives me, but my cardiologist would not be a happy camper if he saw one sitting on my kitchen counter.

So why do I own a coffee grinder? We use it to grind nuts and seeds to add to our baked goodies. And since the colder months are coming, we use it to grind mint candies to add to our hot cocoa drink :-)

7 . Food Processor

My Simple Kitchen: Seven Small Appliances That Make A BIG Difference - by Abby Sasscer | Lemons Image Copyright: Lindsay_NYC

Image Copyright: Lindsay_NYC

Food processors are perfect for cutting, chopping and blending ingredients. It’s great for pulsing dough when we make black bean or chickpea burgers. It’s also perfect for making pesto sauce from all the basil leaves from the garden.

See You Next Time

So those are my top seven favorite appliances that makes for a simpler kitchen life. On my next post, I will be sharing with you my Easy Cream of Broccoli Soup Recipe, one of our absolute favorites during the Thanksgiving Holiday!

Until then, Happy Cooking!

About Abby Sasscer

Born in the Philippines, Abby came to the United States in 1986. She is a wife, homeschooling mother of three, author, and speaker. In 2008, she founded Project Nazareth and continues to advocate simple living through books and speaking. | Meet Abby
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