Seek and ask Our Lady Queen of Apostles for the graces to teach our children to be good practicing Catholics and carry the Good News about Jesus to others.May 23 is the wonderful Feast of the Blessed Mother of Jesus under her title Our Lady, Queen of Apostles. After the crucifixion and death of Jesus, His Apostles gathered with His Blessed Mother in The Upper Room. The Apostles wanted her to give them hope and courage as they were to go forth to be Apostles for Jesus.
Our Lady Queen of Apostles can help give us homeschooling mothers the graces we need to teach our children to be good practicing Catholics and to carry the Good News about Jesus to others.
We want our children to learn what Jesus taught, to believe in what His Catholic Church teaches, and to live the Catholic life.
Jesus certainly sees homeschooling parents as special Apostles as they teach their children in a sick and suffering world. He certainly wants us to ask His mother for help. All of us parents and children need to remind ourselves that Our Lady Queen of Apostles loves us for our homeschooling.
As Apostles of the Queen of Heaven, we need to pray for those who are desperate to hear about the total and eternal love of Jesus and His Mother, especially now for those suffering physically and spiritually… not just from the coronavirus itself, but from the sufferings of its consequences: the separation from family and friends, the loss of jobs, the closing of churches, the sickness of children.
A Homeschool Mother’s Request
Let us all ask Our Lady Queen of Apostles to help us homeschooling mothers, and to help all mothers and fathers, to be good Apostles for Jesus, as we teach our children and others through our actions about the deep and eternal love and concern Jesus and His Mother have for all of us.
We realize that our daily duties sometimes come with unexpected difficulties. Yet whatever difficulties we are given along our homeschooling journey, we travel with acceptance, in prayers and in sacrifice. We follow the path of homeschooling, in order to obtain our final heavenly reward, for our children as well as for ourselves.
Let us ask the Blessed Mother, Queen of the Apostles of Jesus, for the grace to carry this message to our children: that Jesus loves them so much, that whatever burdens they bear, He will give them an eternal reward in His Heavenly Kingdom.
Our Lady, Queen of Apostles, help us to realize that teaching our children is our most important work as an Apostle for Jesus. Most Loving Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.