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St Agnes

Saint Agnes – Patron Saint of Chastity


Determined to remain a chaste bride of Christ, thirteen-year-old Agnes courageously rejected all her suitors, even when faced with threats of death.

Saint Agnes was born in about 291 A.D. to a wealthy Roman family.  Her devout parents raised her a Christian, and she grew to love Jesus Christ and her faith with all her heart.

Agnes was much sought after by the young men of Rome, not only because of her material wealth but also because of her great beauty. However, she was determined to remain chaste because of her love for Jesus.

Many of her suitors were furious at her rejection of their marriage proposals. At this time in Rome, Christians were being persecuted by Emperor Diocletian, and her rejected suitors reported her for being a Christian. She was arrested and brought before the Prefect Sempronius.

The Prefect ordered that Agnes be paraded through the streets naked. It is said that Agnes asked God to protect her modesty, and immediately, her hair grew to cover her, and any man who attempted to touch her was struck blind. Agnes was then sentenced to death by burning.

Devoted Bride of Christ

After several attempts to light the bundle of wood at the stake, the flames would die out or part away from Agnes. When observers begged her to renounce her faith, Agnes said, “I would offend my spouse if I were to try to please you. He chose me first and He shall have me!” Eventually, an officer drew his sword and beheaded her.  She was thirteen.

Saint Agnes was buried in Rome, and her bones reside under the altar in Sant’Angese fuori le mura, which was built over the catacomb that held her tomb.

Saint Agnes’ feast day is January 21st, and her symbols are a lamb and a palm leaf. On her feast day, it is customary for the pope to bless two lambs.

On Holy Thursday, the lambs are shorn, and the wool is woven into a pallium given by the pope to a newly consecrated Archbishop as a sign of his unity with the pope.

Saint Agnes, pray for us!

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About Mary Ellen Barrett

Mother of seven children and two in heaven, Mary is wife to David and a lifelong New Yorker. She has homeschooled her children for eleven years using Seton and an enormous amount of books. She is a columnist for The Long Island Catholic and blogs here . Meet Mary Ellen.
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